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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. A check box places at the start of a line will convert to a checklist. Try replacing the first box with a period/full stop or a dash/hyphen followed by a check box.
  2. I'm not sure I understand what you are doing but my guess is that It's recommend the same course of action. Uninstall the app and then reinstall.
  3. You will have to have a conduit application to make this work. There's is not, to my knowledge, an automatic link from Google Drive to Evernote. It could be achieved with Zapier, IFTTT or, indeed, import folders.
  4. As it happens, I suspect that HTML isn't going to be the way forward once the new sync model is run out.
  5. This looks like Evernote is in full screen mode. If I'm correct, tapping the F11 key should bring back a normal window.
  6. Create a note for each vendor. Add the purchase tasks to the relevant vendor's note. You can tag the note as you wish.
  7. That sounds like a good option for your needs. Enjoy!
  8. If you are a Teams subscriber you should raise this with your support contact. This sounds, to me, like a damaged installation. I'd be trying a clean uninstall. Before doing this ensure you have everything sync-ed. On Windows, use Revo Uninstaller to uninstall the program. Then download the latest software from https://evernote.com/download and reinstall.
  9. Since you are an Evernote Expert I'd recommend that you ask the in the Experts community. The Community team may well have an answer for you.
  10. The badge in these forums is out of date. It reflects your status prior to the changes in plans. Try https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  11. Are you responding to a different thread? Your comment doesn't seem to relate to the thread.
  12. I think I'd go for a full uninstall. You will need to use the free Revo Uninstaller. Uninstall Evernote and then download the latest copy from https://evernote.com/download If you were using the Microsoft Store version then just uninstall and reinstall the direct download as above.
  13. You might want to post this suggestion in the appropriate forum thread. You've posted in an archive of discussion for the older Android version which was last added to 4 years ago prior to the release of Evernote v10. In fact you could use the Feedback option in whichever app you are using and ensure your idea is seen by Evernote staff rather than it being lost in the archive. If you are really suggesting this for the older Android version then I fear it will go nowhere. The old version still exists for Android 9 and below devices but it isn't being maintained.
  14. There have been a few reports of this for Windows 11 users following a recent Windows update. You should probably open a support ticket. However, I am certain it will not be resolved speedily. My resolution is to leave the Evernote Windows on full screen before I close the PC. It then opens full screen next time and I can adjust the window size with the Full screen/Reduced Size Window buttonnext to the close X and minimise _ buttons in the top right of the Window.
  15. You may need to open a support ticket. Since Android 9 isn't receiving any updates and neither is Evernote 8.13.3 you shouldn't be experiencing problems suddenly. Could it be a networking issue? A block at your Internet Service Provider might trigger this. Could they have decided to block access to Evernote?
  16. Thanks for your post. Perhaps you could give more detail... Which browser and which version of the Evernote web clipper? Meanwhile, the first option is probably to check that it is connected to the correct Evernote account. The second option is to uninstall the Web Clipper extension/add-on then reinstall.
  17. Probably a breach of copyright in the elephant symbol but thanks for the idea and no thanks anyway.
  18. I seem to recall that the data storage between v10 and Legacy is not particularly similar.
  19. Your account limits may have been exceeded if you had unsync-ed notes waiting for the the restart and then they were uploaded and consumed all your data. You are correct to identify that staff support is only available if you pay for support. You can pay by the month by taking a single month subscription and cancel before it renews. Nothing malicious. Providing user support costs money. It is one of the benefits of a paid subscription. Free users can access these user-led support forums or you can contact Evernote directly via Twitter @evernotehelps Support for account and billing issues is available to all users at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  20. Can you say which version of Evernote you are attempting to use? If you are on Android 10 or above it will be a version10.x of Evernote. If you are on Android 9 or lower it will be an old version of Evernote.
  21. I've been using v10 since it was released - so years - having upgraded from the previous version of the software. But I would say that I've had the experience described since the beginning.
  22. I'm sorry that your experience isn't what you want or would expect. I have a different experience. Disconnected from the Internet I can still access all my notes regardless of age. It is a requirement that Evernote is open before disconnecting from the world outside. With that proviso I find my experience differs to yours. Legacy features will not be migrated. In fact my view is that whatever features that might have come from Legacy have now arrived. The focus is firmly on the development of v10. I was in a meeting recently when the new owners indicated that they have no plans to withdraw Legacy but nothing will change and if your operating system stops supporting the older software then it will be gone. Similarly if the sync processes become incompatible then I presume that Legacy will be on its way (I don't know this - just guessing). If you cannot embrace Evernote v10 for whatever reasons then you are wise to be considering your options. No rush or panic required but a calm plan for the future seems wise.
  23. Evernote's task feature isn't, always, intuitive. You should think of it in reverse. Create a note for the topic. Create the tasks inside the note AND also add comments inside the note. You can also tag the note if you wish.
  24. This is one of the issues that will require help from the Evernote support team. Please open a ticket which you will have to do as a guest. You can use the Account issues section for access without being able to login. Under 'Unable to Login' scroll to the bottom of the screen and submit an Email. You should provide your registered Email address and, probably, offer a separate Email address for the correspondence. Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
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