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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. However, software doesn't know you intentionally clicked it. Touch screen devices are easy to brush over a link and launch something in error. If you feel you need this then you should open a support ticket to ensure that Evernote staff are aware of your thoughts.
  2. @Pevster You are correct to identify that some notes are shared. They cannot be deleted permanently. They are handled by the original owner of the note. Like @Dave-in-Decatur I am able to delete notes permanently. You may resolve this by rebuilding your local data. File | Sign Out | Remove data from this device When you sign back in your data will be rebuilt and that may resolve things. As @Dave-in-Decatur says, your other option is to open a support ticket.
  3. You could try uninstalling and reinstalling. That might fix things. Since you are working with the Legacy software which many of us have left behind it may be less easy to help you resolve this. For sure we don't have lots of Legacy users reporting sync issues. This would seem to relate to your OS reinstallation. It is possible that you have mistakenly used an incorrect username/password pair and thereby created a new and empty account but that seems less likely. Since it is a Free account then it is still possible that the reinstallation of the OS may now appear to Evernote to be a new device. Since you use an Android tablet and the desktop this OS change may be reporting itself as a new, third device. Free accounts are limited to two devices. I would check the number of devices that Evernote thinks you have once more. You can remove two devices from the list in a Free account in any one month period. If you can get the number down to one then try loging out and back in to your Legacy application. https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action
  4. Hi @Sophia Pearson! Thanks for your question. Could you get a screen image so that we can see what you are experiencing? It might be easier to advise if we are sure what is going on.
  5. Just to be sure... Address you saying that you cannot see future Calendar events but that you can go back and see the past? Or is it that you cannot see any events in a particular calendar?
  6. I understand that the beta is slowly being rolled out to all users ready for full release. No announcement or confirmation otherwise everyone will want it now!
  7. The Outlook Calendar sync remains in beta test. Presumably some challenges have been identified but it, will, eventually arrive. Tasks do not sync with external services and, I suspect, never will. Calendars are, and are likely to remain, one directional connections - ie you can see your calendar inside Evernote but cannot send data the opposite direction to the calendar application. If you want/need bi-directional links then Evernote isn't the place to work with calendars or Tasks.
  8. On Windows with the direct download from Evernote (not the store version) you can delete two directories %AppData%\Evernote %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote
  9. You should have to tell us a bit more about the note names. You can search for all your PDFs but that would find notes that were not receipts but still contained a PDF. If all your relevant notes contained the word receipt then your search would be for PDFs and receipt. My guess is that some receipts might include the word invoice rather than receipt. So your search would need to be for PDFs which include either receipt or invoice. Personally I keep account records for a year in a dedicated notebook. Or you could add a tag. Remember that Evernote only scans the content of PDFs provided it hasn't already been OCRed by the PDF creating program. So tell us more about how you create your receipts and name the notes and it should be easy to suggest a search that will get you most of the way there. But I think using a dedicated notebook or tag would be easier. That will be a challenge too for a Free account. Moving or tagging lots of notes is likely to hit the upload limits quite quickly.
  10. Desktop and web makes two devices. That will block the third device, in this case your iPhone.
  11. No. As it so happened I just exported a note to PDF and it was as I expected.
  12. When I was working I was an active creator of Mind Maps. I found that my chosen external software was faithful to the original Mind Map concept and it happened to offer a link to Evernote. But this was nothing more than a link to the map. So clicking on that link opened the map in the native software. The software also provided the option to export a PNG image of the map (to offer a visual view of the map) and keep a link to the master document which I stored in Google Drive (to give quick access to edit the map). Working in a dedicated Mind Map program was definitely superior. I doubt that the Evernote editor would be developed to create Mind Maps. Even as Mind Map creator I would concur with @PinkElephant that this is a niche area. Very, very, unlikely to gain traction.
  13. Like Zapier, IFTTT has a free option. My experience is that they can each be better or worse than the other depending upon your requirements. I've used both and will always try out the alternative if my first choice doesn't work.
  14. The challenge with these types of note sharing is that Evernote will display exactly what it receives. In thurn Zapier will relay the output it receives in the best format it can manage. Then OneNote will output the note cotent in a format that it thinks is correct. So there are multiple places for this note transfer to fail. Like @PinkElephant I think your first stop for help should be Zapier. The Zap doesn't seem to be passing on the OneNote output in a format that works for Evernote. Most likely OneNote outputs as an HTML and Zaqpier gives it to Evernote as a text file. But that's a guess. You could try the same process with IFTTT and see how that works.
  15. You can pay for one month of subscription. That will give you access to note history which is running all the time. That will also allow you to open a support ticket. Otherwise, I think there is nothing else available to you.
  16. I'm not clear whether the note has disappeared or is it just the content of the note? If the note remains but it's content is missing then you could use the note history function to see if the missing content can be recovered. If the note is completely missing then I fear that there is nothing we can offer you. You could open a support ticket but I'm not sure what the support people could offer. Note history and direct technical Support are part of passwords packages.
  17. I asked my favourite search engine for 'evernote legacy download' and it provided me immediately with the answer... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote Always worth asking a search engine 🥴
  18. It isn't about cost. It is about time. Take away a dev to develop this widget and he/she isn't available to work on the long standing issues. By all means, let there be many more niche features once the core stuff is fully working. I will maintain that this is niche. But perhaps I'll be proven wrong when the suggestion gets votes to support it.
  19. I don't see this suggestion ever being adopted. It really feels, to me, to be too niche in its application. I'd be very disappointed if I thought time was being devoted to this before some of the more significant issues that remain outstanding.
  20. That effect was reported a year or so back. I cannot replicate but I prefer to have auto-rotate enabled so I probably don't test for long enough.
  21. There is a very long standing issue with shared notes. Before separating from a sharer, they should unshare the note. If that isn't done the notes will remain with the person who received them and the various shared tags will also remain. You should copy the content of any shared notes that you wish to keep and then, if possible, get the original owner to unshare with you. Then you can delete the left over stuff. If you have lost contact with the original owner then the only option is to move the notes into a new notebook which you could call old shared notes or whatever you like. The shared tags will remain. This isn't how this would be in and ideal world. Certainly report it via a ticket. But until it is resolved you will be forced to work around.
  22. I doubt this will change anytime soon but to be sure that your request is heard submit it via Feedback in the Evernote app or open a support ticket.
  23. Actually, this IS exactly what it is supposed to be. But possibly you would like more. Links to Google calendar are one direction. You can view events and link notes within Evernote. If you want more submit a Feedback request in the Evernote app.
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