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Evernote Expert
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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I can't help your memory Mine has become a forgetery If you are on a Free plan then there are limitations on the number of connections you can make to your account. If you can still access Evernote via the desktop application you can discover which plan you are on fairly easily. Click on the photo or initials at the top of the sidebar it should tell you your status. Meanwhile, in your browser remove all cookies and cache content for evernote.com Now return to your desktop application. Click the settings icon and select Personal Info. That should take you the web information you require.
  2. What I meant was, do you usually access your account through the web browser or an Evernote application? Do you pay an annual subscription?
  3. I think that you are mistaken. Much more likely that these are attempts, possibly using credentials you have used on other services. As @gazumped recommends...
  4. Hi @Mike Litzkow! How do you normally access your Evernote account? Which subscription rate are you on? (Free, Personal, Professional or Teams)
  5. Thanks for contributing to the forums. The Android app for Evernote creates files named as date_time.aac So your file should have been 04.30.2023_1626pm.aac I'm not sure whythe time is 1626pm but somehow your file name became corrupted. I just created an audio file in a note which shows correctly. Have you tried this again to see if it was a one off glitch? If it always happens then I'd uninstall the app, restart your device and then reinstall. There are some issues with audio notes in that the Evernote mobile apps don't seem to play the recordings. They have to be detached from the note and played in a device player outside Evernote. But that's a separate issue from what you describe.
  6. This issue has been present since v10 was first released two or more years ago. I use AutoHotKey to do this on Windows. Other applications are available. AHK means I can format whatever date/time format I wish by default using AHK.
  7. Yes, it is slower but I cannot measure the difference. My finger reactions with a stopwatch aren't quick enough. So, for me, the difference really isn't significant.
  8. There's are a few command line programs. I use evernote-backup which is a GitHub project that works fine and I schedule it to run weekly.
  9. The intention is to discourage the use of the Legacy software which is why the Legacy download page has been withdrawn. If you ask nicely the software still exists but more effort is required. Personally, I think that the writing is on the wall for Legacy, but it will continue to work the time being. I'd guess that it will cease to work sometime in the next year or two unless OS changes break it sooner. For sure, I advise those that I work with to move on to v10 while there is time to do it at their leisure rather than get taken by surprise by a sudden loss. The nag message to Legacy users is to remind them of the changes in the software and the changes to come. Surprisingly there are still many Legacy users that haven't realised that v10 exists because Legacy doesn't upgrade automatically. They see a message that they are using the latest version and stay put. Of course the nag message is unlikely to persuade those who use Legacy because they prefer it.
  10. It is supposed to have reached everyone by 1 May except, as I understand, for those using the Legacy software which remains on the old sync.
  11. The page you refer to offers options for the Evernote Teams account. If you don't have Teams subscription this page isn't relevant to you.
  12. Perhaps because the Win+S method works just as well so it isn't a priority. I don't know the answer other than the alternative works well enough.
  13. There has not been a GANTT Chart feature for a long time - in fact I don't remember ever seeing such a thing but my memory may be faulty. Create a GANTT Chart in a spcialised program or spreadsheet and embed it in a note. Professional/Teams subscribers could create a GANTT chart in Excel and it will be shown inside a note. This is a paid for feature for Pro and Teams.
  14. It is true that v10 of Evernote is different in its ways of working to the so-called Legacy version. I think that all those using v10 will confess that it took a little time to work out how to achieve what we achieved in Legacy. Often it is different orders of actions. Will Legacy survive? My guess is No. It may not disappear tomorrow but it will steadily decline. Already we see changes in MacOS have created problems for Legacy. Those who are more technical have mostly managed to work around the issues but it is simply indicative that no repairs are being delivered for Legacy and, eventually, something will break. WE're expecting changes to the sync process for v10 very soon. It will include Real Time Editing which has been in beta test for awhile. Will that create problems for Legacy? Possibly. For sure Legacy does not and will not support RTE. So switching to v10 while you have the opportunity to tackle it at your leisure is likely to be a good way forward. Waiting until you have to panic because everything suddenly stops working isn't a good plan
  15. I believe that the issue was raised with the support devs via the Evernote Expert team. It will take some time to resolve. Even if it is simple, it will require a release of a new application. Hoping that isn't too long for you but it will not be immediate
  16. We are seeing this issue reported multiple times. This appears to be a new bug in the editor which isn't rendering languages that don't use conventional English characters. Please report this as an issue via a support ticket.
  17. I concur that the difference in time is perceptible but it isn't, for me, significant. Less than one second although I can see a difference.
  18. The easy answer is yes but I am not staff. THis feels like you need staff help and that is via the options mentioned. Also, my experience with Evernote Teams is very limited.
  19. You say, Business account. If you mean what is now called a Teams account then you should have a dedicated help contact and they are normally pretty good. If you mean you a regular account which you use for business then you should try again: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  20. I fear that the quickest resolution will be to tweak the tray/taskbar accent colour in the OS.
  21. It is not possible. Combine notes into a smaller number of notebooks is your only option.
  22. If you are unable to use Office you have the option of a package such as Libre office which is an open source package but will read and create Excel sheets. https://www.libreoffice.org/
  23. Looks like this is a mobile device. Did you upgrade through the app store? This is not instantaneous. The store needs to tell Evernote that you upgraded and then Evernote needs to turn on the paid features for you. So a short wait is necessary. As @Jon/t says, try loging out and then back in.
  24. For sure AI will arrive. I suspect that it will not be the full-blown GPT you may be hoping for. Rather it will be a gradual release of various functions and capabilities. Will it cost more? Who can say but I would anticipate that there will be a cost implication. Possibly limited to paying subscribers, perhaps even only for Professional rate users. My guess - no inside knowledge.
  25. The principle is the same. Use a similar keystroke application for whichever platform you are using. Obviously the web browser will depend on the the device OS. For sure changes to the Evernote editor aren't coming anytime soon. Make the suggestion via the Feedback option in the apps but don't hold your breath.
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