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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. We saw this or a similar issue some time back. The work around was to export the note to an ENEX file. Then reimport the ENEX into Evernote. If the imported note is good then delete the broken version. Alternatively you can access the note history available to subscribers and recover an earlier note version with the PDF.
  2. I'm away from home so don't have my laptop. When I left I was still on v10.55 of the Windows desktop. That still had a Submit Feedback option in the Help menu. If it has gone then it will be with v10.56 which hasn't arrived when I left. Similarly 10.50.3 for Android still had a Feedback option.
  3. This is a known issue. If you search around there are responses from other users and Evernote developers.
  4. The post immediately above yours offers a resolution. I've no idea whether it will work but you could try what is already suggested.
  5. This is probably a short campaign and it will go away in due course. Meanwhile assemble your plan for when Legacy ends which will be in a year or so by my estimate.
  6. It's easy to believe since it had never been a feature in Evernote. Perhaps it should be but there is no evidence that it has ever been or will ever be. 🤕
  7. We're almost all fellow users so we can't tell what the plans are. But I would guess that there is no plan to do what you suggest. Open a support ticket or use the in-application Feedback to connect with Evernote developers.
  8. This is a known request and had been almost forever in Evernote terms. I am pretty sure that it isn't the highest priority so enjoy your Evernote renaissance but don't hold your breath waiting for this to arrive.
  9. That rules out done of the issues the might arise with the Legacy software. I fear you might have lost the notes. Open a support ticket first.
  10. But think of all those electrons being forced to do something with their excess energy.
  11. Ah, it was moved... It used to be in the Coming Soon section of the Release Notes. I confess that I don't often read the Settings dialogues :)
  12. I'm interpreting this as that you have lost the Local Notes that were supported in the older Legacy version of Evernote. You should open the old version and then export these notes as an ENEX file before importing them into the new v10. If you have lost the Legacy program it can be reinstalled. Windows: https://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe Mac: https://cdn1.evernote.com/mac-smd/public/EvernoteLegacy_RELEASE_7.14.1_458325.zip
  13. Those are the most up to date versions for Windows and Android. Provided your account has been moved to it, and almost everyone has been, you are on the new sync. The tell tale is to create a note and leave it open on that device. Now, also open that same note on your other device. Within seconds you should see an avater for you appear in the top right of the note editor. Type on one device and you will see the text appear on the other as you type. If you are one of the very few to yet have the new sync then try again on Saturday when it is promised for everyone. A newer application is not required for the new sync. It is enabled at the server side.
  14. Sounds like a support question to me too... It may be that the new sync using Yjs and Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDT) won't play with what you are trying to achieve.
  15. Please describe in more detail how we can attempt to reproduce what you are experiencing...
  16. Don't forget to empty the Evernote Trash otherwise the unwanted notes will still be in your account...
  17. Sadly, you're talking to other users in these forums. Staff occasionaly drop by but there is little evidence that it is regular. If you are a paying subscriber then you can raise a support ticket otherwise submit Feedback via the option in the application to be sure that your annoyance is received.
  18. For whatever reason it hasn't been as simple to implemet as it is to describe. For many months it announced as Coming Soon but that has quietly disappeared. In Legacy Import Folders were a Windows only feature - unavailable to Mac users. Perhaps it is more challenging to deliver via the Electron Framework for all desktop platforms... I couldn't say. But it isn't coming back anytime soon. I have a batch script which runs when I log onto my PC that cleans up files but that comes at the small risk that a document was imported is still removed and possibly lost. So I have to be careful to watch that an import takes place. It always does unless, for some reason, I've cleaned my Evernote data from the computer. In that case the Import Folder links are also removed.
  19. https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-pricing-upcoming-features-update/ You can see what is working if you open a note on two devices at the same time. You should see your avatar at the top of the note as @PinkElephant described earlier. This is evidence that both devices are connected to the sync-ed copy in the cloud. The sync process that NOW exists in v10 is simply entirely different to what was in place with Legacy. For more detail see the additional tech comment at the end of the blog post. If you continue to use Legacy then the old sync approach is well advised.
  20. No, the note is created but the whole process is only complete once the server sync is completed.
  21. This is not a function that I'm seeing. You don't say which PDF viewer you are using to make the annotations. I do have a vague recollection of seeing this sort of issue with Adobe Acrobat some year ago. I resolved it by uninstalling and reinstalling Acrobat. But in my case it was unrelated to Evernote.
  22. When I was working on my doctoral studies I highlighted PDFs with Adobe Acrobat then save the changes to the PDF back into its note.
  23. I use a Rocketbook. This works quite well. Certainly better than the Moleskin notebooks. If you want a notebook to capture and scan pages into Evernote then almost anything will do. The Rocketbooks generate a text copy as well as an image of the note. Once scanned you can wipe the pages clean and reuse them.
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