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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. These links were in a post in these forums... Here they are again. As you can see, from evernote.com Windows: https://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe Mac: https://cdn1.evernote.com/mac-smd/public/EvernoteLegacy_RELEASE_7.14.1_458325.zip
  2. Well, it took me very little time and I'm not especially technical. Happy to share my solution of you would like to PM.
  3. Evernote-backup from GitHub. I have a schedule to backup once a week. I also generate a set of ENEX files once a month but can manually generate the ENEX files of I need one sooner.
  4. You could use the evernote-backup GitHub project which captures all the notes in notebooks and can create the ENEX files. Legacy will go. So you have time just now to make a plan for the future.
  5. Yes and, apparently, not getting any attention at the present.
  6. There were a couple of explanations, unusually from Evernote staff, to explain what might be happening, indicating that they are aware and working to address things. If that isn't helpful then I'm sure you'll be looking for an alternative application. I doubt that there is any going back on RTE. So we wait for a fix or move on.
  7. If you search the forums you will find a current link. Your data is stored in the cloud you do not need to back up data if you uninstall.
  8. @RegorYou really have the options 1 Accept the fact that your Android app will not work well with the updated PC v10 2 roll back your PC to the old Legacy version 3 Upgrade your phone to one that find Android 10 or better 2 will probably give you least grief and expense for the time being but Legacy will, eventually, die.
  9. I hope that this isn't a false promise. I have no such One Drive folder full of attachments. It may be a coincidence Note content is not stored on a device in an immediately readable format. As mentioned above, you can explore the various directories in %AppData%\Evernote to review what is held and where. 🥴
  10. Is there explanation here any help? There are a couple of hints which might be relevant...
  11. It is a USER supported area. If you have access to note history then you are paying for a subscription and have access to Evernote support team direct. That's the way @gazumpedis recommending for you.
  12. Evernote data for v10 is stored in %AppData%\Evernote. Program files are in %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote Other directories - especially in Program Files (x86) - are likely to be left over from a Legacy installation
  13. The Outlook plugin started to be deprecated before the arrival of v10. This was, I believe, because of changes in Microsoft Office. The old plugin that was released with Legacy was replaced with something else that only worked with Exchange, or it might have been SharePoint. I understand that currently connecting to the Microsoft API only works well for business accounts. The Outlook Email add-in had been dropped and I don't believe that there are plans to restore it. So if that is critical for you then your days with Evernote are numbered. Make a plan to move on when Legacy ends which it will. I used to run a macro which sent the current Email to my Evernote Email address. Tap a shortcut and the macro would run and the Email would appear as a new note. That is the only option you have at the moment.
  14. Ah. So not an event. My apologies. Are you on a paid or free account? If free then it is more of a nuisance to check. If paid account you can log in to Evernote via a web browser. Can you see the missing note in the web browser view? If so the problem is with the desktop. If the note is not present in the browser then the problem is with the mobile device. If you are on a free account your will need to drop one off the devices you are currently using. I would suggest you sign out from your desktop app. Then go to your settings at evernote.com and ensure that you only have the mobile and web browser connected. You can then check whether the note is on the web. Once you know which application is not synchronising you know where to pursue a solution. I would probably fully uninstall the mobile application if that isn't syncing. If it turns out that the desktop application is the problem then you have two choices. Switch to using the web browser or remove your Evernote data when you sign out and let it rebuild. Whatever you do, be careful with a Free account. You can only have two devices live at any time. You can also only drop two in any month.
  15. That's are a number of applications that will export your notes on a scheduled basis in an easier manner than either Legacy or v10. I use the GitHub project evernote-backup. I can schedule the backup to take place whenever I wish. In my case once per week.
  16. @WhiskeyCowboy the new collaborative real time edit feature should be running for all accounts. Since you are on a Teams account you should connect with your account support contact. They will be able to tell you what is happening.
  17. V10 has never had a sync button on the desktop applications. Since you created an event I presume that you created the event in Google Calendar. Calendars do not update immediately. You can expect calendar events to take an hour or more to appear inside Evernote. This is a Google limitation. If I have misunderstood your issue please explain more. How are you creating the event? How do you expect it to synchronise?
  18. @viverechristus If you are relying on the older Android app, I think you would be wise to stick with the Legacy desktop. V10 and Legacy are likely to play less well together as developments continue. Even so, have a plan when Legacy stops working which it surely will in the next year or so.
  19. Since it isn't a fault, I doubt it will be fixed. Submit a ticket to suggest the idea as an improvement.
  20. Yes, 11 years and just 25 votes. Ironically, I see an option like this being more likely with the arrival of an AI. But I'm not advocating for it. As noted previously, if this is critical for your use then you may want to find a different application.
  21. Occasionally we see reports like this after a program update. It usually appears to be corrupted local data. Reinstallation usually resolved the issue which doesn't return with any frequency.
  22. Adding the 2FA stuff was absolutely the correct thing to do regardless of your concern. It is sometime since I operated Evernote using Google login. My recollection was that to switch to regular Email login I had to generate a password via the list password process. But I may be incorrect since it was many years back and I now have a forgettery rather than a memory. I don't generally use Google SSO login on any service so would commend the standard login myself and use a password cache program such as KeePassXC, 1password, NordPass etc.
  23. There is a similar issue being reported for notes created on mobile devices with non English keyboards. Some Unicode characters are not rendered correctly.
  24. You'll need to speak to Rocketbook support. They have downloadable sheets to work with. You need the pages with the relevant QR codes on to scan into an application. But there's is no paid for account. Just paid for notebooks.
  25. It isn't possible. Tap each purple circle to cancel each task.
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