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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The answer to each of your three questions is No. To be more accurate, you could disable Internet access and that would prevent sync from taking place but along with all the other network activity.
  2. I am confident that the black & white issue will be resolved but printing to PDF is an OK workaround in the meantime. My experience is that printing notes comes with a bunch of other issues. I have to export to HTML and then print from a browser window to get a satisfactory output on a consistent basis.
  3. This isn't possible with the v10 app running in the Electron framework.
  4. This whole thread has moved on. EN has already announced that the Legacy download page has been removed to discourage use of Legacy apps. If you need it you have to contact Evernote support or search the forums where the actual links have been posted multiple times recently.
  5. There is no means of stopping the pop-up other than to move to version 10 which I presume you do not wish to do. Evernote is actively encouraging users to move to v10 and the so-called legacy software has months of life left rather than years. I understand that the pop-ups are currently being delivered to Windows Legacy users. Mac users are due to see the same thing any day now. I anticipate that the pop-ups will stop after a period but I've no idea whether that will be a short or longer time. If, for whatever reason, you do not wish to move to the v10 apps then you should probably take these pop-ups as a nudge to make a plan to transition to an alternative platform while there is time to do so at a pace or your choosing.
  6. This is known and reported to Evernote devs. Since it is a significant issue, I imagine that it will be resolved in a future update.
  7. It seems to be less straightforward than it never works... I just created a new note. Gave it a title and then added random text and I can save it as a template. Remove the random text and the ability to save as a template remained. If I then added a tag to the note the ability to save as a template was removed. Removing the tag did not restore the save as template capacity. About half the new notes I tried worked like this. But others just wouldn't save as template. Please add your voice to this bug.
  8. If you have paid for a subscription then you should raise a support ticket.
  9. The last conversation I had with the Evernote Experts team we were told that is still on the list of expected stuff. Those using the beta release day it works well. Until full release you can use the workarounds detailed further up this thread.
  10. I can't answer for the Linux version but for Windows, run the program at a command prompt rather than double clicking on File Explorer. The Window will then stay open. Once the initial configuration is completed you can then run the automated process detailed above.
  11. You need to login with your original username & password. Otherwise you get a new, empty account.
  12. Since you are a paid subscriber I'd recommend you open a direct support ticket with Evernote.
  13. You should certainly check the app permissions in the Android OS. How did you install the Evernote app? If you used the ability to transfer everything from your old phone to the new then I would recommend you uninstall the app and then reinstall from the Play Store.
  14. If you haven't paid recently then perhaps you were on a paid plan in the past, but having not paid recently you are now on a Free subscription. That would mean that in the past you would have been able to save templates but now not so.
  15. Do you mean to have the to row permanently displayed as you scroll up and down the table? If so, the answer is no...
  16. Evernote-backup creates a local database. You can then schedule an export to the ENEX file(s) at whatever frequency you wish. The ENEX conversion is not required. You can get that to run locally without connecting to the Evernote servers. So you can limit the number of ENEX copies. The local data is updated whenever you run it. So an up to date copy of the data. With a little effort I think I could create a batch file to today up the ENEX collection on a schedule.
  17. I'm a little surprised to see that the often superior MacOS is missing this. Task Till Dawn seems to be the way... https://www.addictivetips.com/mac-os/how-to-schedule-tasks-on-macos/
  18. We can see that. I'd be banging on the Evernote front door. Creating lists in these forums is really an invitation to we fellow users to chip in but I suspect that you might find that generally frustrating. Certainly no answers to your issues coming... Sorry.
  19. On Windows I use the standard Task Scheduler and run E:\evernote-backup.exe sync every Sunday at 04h25 This updates the backup of my Evernote notes and notebooks. Once a month I run E:\evernote-backup.exe export e:\evernotebk\ As you can see the executable file is in the root of E: and I have a directory E:\evernotebk to hold the ENEX files. That updates the local ENEX versions of my backup. I have to manually tidy that collection of files since each month it adds a new copy rather than overwrites. I don't doubt that could be automated too. If I need to I can manually run the ENEX creation at anytime. I expect that there is a similar mechanism for MacOS
  20. The penny just dropped for me... All applications relying on the API could run into problems. Zapier, IFTTT, Postach.io, Backuppery immediately come to mind. The only immediate workaround is, I think, to exit a note immediately the trigger is set and until the API has processed the note. I run a Postach.io based blog. For the time being I'll create a new blog post in a separate notebook. Get everything ready to go with the appropriate tags. At the last minute I'll MOVE the note to the notebook linked to the blog. I already run my weekly backup overnight with Evernote minimised and inactive.
  21. RTE locks notes when a user is accessing them which prevents legacy apps from creating note conflicts. Backups via the API will be affected. Best to run Backuppery and Evernote-backup overnight or at times when Evernote is minimised or closed to avoid trouble. This MIGHT account in part for the slowness.
  22. This has been reported in several threads already. Evernote Devs are aware and investigating.
  23. It may well feel like that. Since we are mostly users we have no ability to change anything but can, sometimes, suggest alternative ways of achieving something. The AHK approach works well and since this has been a challenge since v10 was launched it seems unlikely that the feature will be made available.
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