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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The Gboard issues are connected to working with Evernote. Switching keyboard, as you have tried, generally resolves the issue although other keyboards may not offer the function. Thanks for reporting it. Sadly, I think it unlikely that a fix will arrive anytime soon.
  2. Here's a guess. Android and using the Gboard keyboard. This is a known and unresolved issue with Gboard and the Evernote app for Android. If I guessed incorrectly then apologies.
  3. You have to talk to Evernote support. Please open a ticket.
  4. I have a very vague recollection of seeing this issue or something very similar which turned out to be a soft keyboard issue. I cannot say which keyboard you are using but you could temporarily install one of the many alternatives and see if that resolves the issue. If that turns out to be a solution you'll have the option to make that change permanent or at least as to knowledge in Evernote support about the problem. In particular there are several glitches with Google's Gboard most of which are annoying but not critical. Could this be another?
  5. I can say with some certainty that the plan is to move away from Legacy within a year or so. The exact timescale is, I think, uncertain. Certainly not a short term event. I know that the future of Legacy was considered as part of the roll out of RTE. The decision was made to actively encourage Legacy users to switch and Legacy app will be withdrawn. The removal of the download page and pop up advertising reflect that trajectory. Will Legacy be with us for a while? Yes. Will it be around in 2025? Unlikely.
  6. I don't use Grammarly but others, like @bmcl26, have been successfully using it with Evernote.
  7. Just to note, you can be a multiple user on your own notes. Access the note on, say, a mobile device and desktop. Each 'user' gets a unique colour and avatar combination.
  8. There is every evidence that this is not returning. It isn't obvious whether this technically difficult in the Electron framework, impossible because of other design decisions which have been made, or just no interest, laziness, other priorities. Whatever, Legacy is on its way out in the coming months. So make a plan for what you will do when that happens.
  9. Good point. In my Email program I can set the format that an address in the address book will receive. Select text for the Evernote Email and the HTML will automatically be stripped out.
  10. The new software still supports Free accounts and will display PDFs if you make the correct choice in settings. The default PDF view only affects new notes. The view for PDFs in old notes can be selected as required.
  11. You can certainly suggest this. Meanwhile, until your suggestion is picked up, you can easily remove the HTML formatting clicking on the magic wand for the HTML container.
  12. There has never been a PPTX file viewer in Evernote. It isn't something to fix. You can suggest it to Evernote via a support ticket. PDF have always been viewable on the desktop versions of Evernote. If this isn't the case for you check the settings for Notes the your settings for PDFs is correctly set.
  13. The face avatar only displays when you are accessing the note on two device - say your desktop and a mobile device. So exit on the device you aren't using and the avatar will disappear. The Share button has been with us for over two years and isn't going anywhere. If you want to pursue this as an option you might be best opening a support ticket but don't hold your breath waiting for a change
  14. I've never seen any reports of encryption happening by some mysterious process. I have seen users encrypt text in error by typing Ctrl+Shift+X in error and then whatever they next typed became the password. So, whatever happened to encrypt this text, it is locked and unrecoverable except that if the text existed in an unencrypted state for a short period before the accident it may be possible to restore a copy using Note History. This is a paid subscription function but might be worth paying for a month if you are currently on a Free plan.
  15. Updates to operating systems are just one of the reasons why the old so-called legacy versions of the Evernote app are a risky option. Best to make a plan to work without v7 for Mac since this is likely to stop working within the next year.
  16. It seems to be an issue with setting the page margins. If I choose CUSTOM and set the right margin to 15mm everything just fits. Anything more than 15mm and content is forced off the bottom of the page so defeating the object. So definitely not right but, perhaps, better than nothing in an urgent requirement...
  17. Set up import folder(s) in Evernote and scan to the specific folder which is then imported to the connected notebook.
  18. You should use the time that you have to make a plan for the transition you will need to undertake. My sense is that there are months rather than years before the so called Legacy applications will be withdrawn completely.
  19. The most reliable route is to drag and drop into a directory such as the desktop and then from the directory into the destination program. This is a long standing issue.
  20. I was sure that the tech support option was available to Plus users. Indeed it would be perverse to suggest that you came to these forums since this is an issue which requires help from the support team. I would try and see if you can get a ticket opened if @Boot17's suggestion doesn't work.
  21. Thanks for your post. Please, first of all, edit your post and remove your Email addresses. You are inviting spammers and worse to bombard your Email address AND your Evernote account with junk Email. Sending Emails to your Evernote account is a paid for service. So I presume your subscription is up to date. Could it have lapsed and you not have paid your renewal bill? Failing that, there is a process at the Evernote end to check that the incoming Emails are legitimate. In the past I had to get the support team to fix a setting at the server side. So if your subscription is up to date then use your ability as a subscriber to open a support ticket direct with Evernote. But please, first, remove your Email addresses in your post.
  22. My colleague is, of course correct. TripMode was even once available for Windows but no longer developed or supported. However, I cannot see any reason for using Evernote in an entirely offline mode. Just use your favourite word processor and encrypt your local documents. Most of the key features of Evernote such as search, Real Time Editing, Calendar links, sharing and more demand an Internet connection.
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