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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Actually this tells you what is going to happen IF you choose to use the service. If you don't use the feature then your days will not be exchanged with anyone. You are in control the whole time.
  2. Find the thread discussing the issue you are wanting to add your vote to, scroll to the very to and click on the up arrow. This thread currently has zero votes. Please note, however, that votes are only an indication of interest and not a means of adding your voice directly to a poll to Evernote.
  3. @ConradD You started this thread five years ago since when the version of Evernote you were using has been discontinued. The v10 applications have an entirely new editor. It doesn't include the outlining function you described in 2018 but it is a new editor. I have 86 templates available to me and I can save my own templates. However, creating your own templates is feature of a paid subscription. There is currently a bug which is reported and acknowledged creating your own templates with a workaround in the meantime. Rather then add to this Archyive thread you may want to create a new thread on the topic relating to the new applications.
  4. Actually, as it happened @RMorgan posted a link to an earlier version in a separate thread for a different need but should do the trick... However, the older version will try to update itself fairly speedily so be careful to stop that happening. v10.58 is due soon.
  5. It may have been considered but I don't think we have any evidence that it will arrive at any time in the near future. The calendar sync for Outlook remains stubbornly absent and that has been in beta for awhile. Two way sync with the calendar(s) won't happen anytime soon - IMO. Sorry.
  6. If that fails you could go to your credit card provider and ask for a charge back. That will generally get your money back although you may well remain disatisfied.
  7. @remnantcare Nobody in this conversation works for Evernote. We are all fellow users trying to help you work out a way to resolve the experience you've had. Your only route to dealing with Evernote is via a customer support ticket. I realise that you have had a bad experience but to get your refund you will need to engage with the support guys. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Select the Account option and explain that you've been trying to get a refund.
  8. Effectively, yes. Your interest may have been noted and if, suddenly, a beta is available and you are selected from among the thousands also signed up then you might be invited. Currently most betas are server side so nothing offered to those signed up. For example, the AI Cleanup will be released as beta but it will be available to everyone to use or not as they wish. I wouldn't expect to see anything for you in the beta program.
  9. In which case it will also affect a number of the other note taking apps in the market which have also been developed with Electron...
  10. I think you'd have to say what you would want from your $10 plan or more likely what you would leave out of the Personal plan to get the price down to $10. Over the years I have seen several services where users clamour to offer to pay to support the products but in the end too few actually pay to make a success of that approach. It costs more to offer the deal than the return.
  11. Fair or not, the prices have been set to reflect local pricing and economies. Being the UK I may celebrate a somewhat cheaper price than the USA but claim a foul when I compare it to the price in, say, India. I'm sure that fairness wasn't high on the list of priorities when setting the new rates. Comercial considerations were inevitably more of an issue.
  12. Doesn't seem to be that way for me. Using the web client I opened a note from the Home dashboard and the note displays with the Title and first paragraph on screen. I don't work with a Mac so cannot comment but Windows opens at the top of the note for me today too.
  13. Or you could just read a thread in these forums that will probably explain all...
  14. There is an identically titled thread. You might find some insight and understanding there
  15. It won't touch a note without your specific instruction. If you wanted to try it out you can duplicate your note and test the results on your copy. But the AI will only operate on a note when you click the cleanup button.
  16. This is connected to the new real time editing. Apparently notes need to be 'converted' when they are first opened with RTE enabled. It should settle down as you access notes.
  17. This error has been reporteded occasionally although I'm not sure that older or Windows 10 machines were reported at the same time. The most common resolution has been a full uninstall using Revo Uninstaller. Alternatively uninstall then delete two directories: %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote After that reboot the PC and reinstall.
  18. I think you can imagine what it might offer. Imagine you taken hurried notes for a meeting or project that you're working on. Ask the AI to cleanup and it will do the pretty standard stuff to display a choerent and well laid out note. That sort of thing. I think it will be easier to see and try out rather than describe.
  19. Yes, you can add tags and notebooks to an Email sent to the Evernote Email address. You can also add reminders and append an Email to an existing note. Full details can be found in the knowledge base help files... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347
  20. I've seen a demo. It looks very clever. It remains to be seen just how clever it is. What we do know is that it will not be automatic. So if you don't start the process the AI will not touch your content. Also, when you run the AI you get a warning, explanation of what is about to happen to your data and the option to opt out. You can accept that warning so that it doesn't pop up every time or leave it as an extra check in the process.
  21. If you want to stay with Windows 7 it seems that you'll have to drop back to Evernote Legacy. Instructions for getting the download link in the past above yours.
  22. The program is active but all the staff changed when Bending Spoons took over. Also the requirements were, I think, tweaked. You may need to follow up if you haven't heard anything after a couple of weeks. I think the person responsible may have been away too.
  23. Ah, understood. I'm not aware of missing any features but then I probably didn't use whichever you have in mind...
  24. When v10 was first released there was a clear statement of which features were not going to be available from what has come to be called Legacy. These have largely been the ones that have continued to be absent. One or two that were slated for removal have actually been restored (Import Folders was one that was previously a Windows only function that eventually returned for all platforms) but mostly the original deprecated features list was comprehensive if not exhaustive.
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