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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The easiest option would probably be to use Postach.io That will allow you to create a website for your Notebook
  2. Do you have the Legacy version 7 AND the new v10 on the same computer? If so, the chances are that they are both attempting to take control of the keyboard shortcut. So changing Ctrl+Cmd+V to +P would resolve that. I don't recommend enabling shortcuts in Legacy when v10 is also installed since it creates multiple conflicts.
  3. I refer to my answer a couple of contributions earlier. The Legacy applications are on borrowed time. Evernote is now in a phase of actively encouraging Legacy users to upgrade. The writing is on the wall for Legacy. So if you wish to use Evernote beyond the next few months then you should make a plan to upgrade. Otherwise, make a plan to transition. The friction moving to any new aplication will be similar so choose the service that best suits your needs and start the switch sooner rather than later. If you'd like to know the differences then I'd suggest you ask your favourite search engine. I found a couple of pages with information.
  4. This did not happen with v10 in the past but the clamour from users saw it added. It was a thing with the Legacy program for Windows. I think you'll have to put up with it or, perhaps, send the Evernote support folk a request to have it as an option in settings. I think that is an unlikely development too since the focus is on other things at the moment.
  5. The roll out of AI Cleanup is not quite complete. You may need to logout and back in to kick it into action but otherwise just wait until it reappears.
  6. There are a couple of threads reporting similar issues although not a flood of reports. You might search for threads to see if there's is any help for you. You should report this to Evernote via a support ticket.
  7. The RTE roll out is providing a challenge for all third party apps that use the API. This has been noted in other threads. I don't know Filterize but, in general, RTE locks a note whilst it is open for editing and this prevents the external applications accessing the content.
  8. You're in the position to make a plan and work towards your next option with a little leisure. Legacy's days are numbered. So plan soon.
  9. There is no sync button on the v10 desktop apps
  10. I don't think so. It happened to me with a note that had already been 'converted'. Although it may be an artefact of RTE for some other reason
  11. This does appear to be so. I have Edit Protection enabled but viewing a note gets an update. I suggest you open a support ticket. I plan to do so.
  12. I fear that the only solutions are to upgrade your OS to Windows 10 or drop down to Evernote Legacy. Legacy will continue to run for the time being but the wiring is on the wall so Legacy is not a long term solution.
  13. We'll how strange is that? With Edit Protection enabled I can view a note and tapping the screen has no effect. The note remains protected and no changes occur. Yet the note is marked as updated. I guess sorting by date created is the only option for @RoboRobbie
  14. The question is are trying to use the Windows OS screen clipper or the clipper that is inside Evernote? If the one inside Evernote, then be aware that this was broken by Microsoft with a Windows 11 update. The best solution is to use the Windows clipper Win+Shift+S Then paste the clip into whichever note you choose.
  15. Possibly enabling Edit Protection in Settings/Notes will ensure the note isn't put into Edit mode unless you intentionally want to.
  16. I can export notes and notebooks. Doing it by notebook is the best route.
  17. Search these forums and you should find the links or contact Evernote support for the link. Your favourite search engine will probably provide links too.
  18. If it disables after few times refusing then that is likely to be a bug. However, there are limists to which notes can be processed. Very short and very long notes cannot be cleaned-up.
  19. On Windows delete %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote
  20. Or create a note and move the Task into that note at the appropriate time.
  21. I'm no fan of AI at this stage. AS rather than AI - S = stupidity. But, thankfully, I don't have to use it. It's there if I want it when it becomes a little more intelligent.
  22. Could you have shared the calendar from account_1 with account _2? If so then connecting account_2 to your Evernote account would give you access to both calendars.
  23. Interesting, I understood that the AI Cleanup would only work in English to start with.
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