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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. This sounds like the widely discussed conversion of notes to the new RTE formats. Each note is converted when you first open it. Should happen once the first time you access a note. If happening on the same note you should open a support ticket.
  2. RTE is always on. Can you describe the issue you gave in more detail? Someone may be able to point you to a solution. Please confirm the device and version of Evernote.
  3. These forums are user-to-user support. So we can only tell you what we know and guess at the rest. My guess is that this is not on the agenda - at least not anytime soon. If you want to check with Evernote you will need to open a support ticket but this is only an option for paid subscribers.
  4. Are you using a Free account? It is likely you have exceeded the device limits. Take a look at the help article: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit
  5. Evernote continues to offer a free service subject to the normal limitations. This includes a restriction on the number devices registered on the account. Basically you can only have two devices registered at any time. It is likely that when you were using Evernote before you managed to connect the maximum number of devices and you renewed access is identified as different and therefore exceeds the maximum of two. To regain access you will need to disconnect devices to ensure you are currently linked with no more than one. Then you can rejoin with the current device. Be warned, though, you can only disconnect two devices in any month. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit
  6. In theory you can open and login to Evernote. Then go off line and all should work. But I'm not at all confident that things will work well if you are off line for extended periods. A great deal happens in the cloud and I fear that you will experience many challenges and these will increase the longer you have been offline. For sure you should limit yourself to one device. That should probably be a desktop/laptop rather than a mobile device. You could try using the Legacy product. That will do what it can. Provided Legacy is still working when you are back online you will be able to catch up. If you have the capacity to do so, I'd run an experiment. Create a Free account. Load up v10 on a test computer, import a notebook from your regular account, and take it offline once the account has synced. Then try it for a week keeping the account off line. Let us know how you get on.
  7. Yes, desktop. I've seen reports of this issue on all platforms.
  8. Exporting individual notes is limited to 100 so if you can only work with a maximum of 10 then something has gone wrong with your new installation. Uninstall with AppCleaner to ensure all corrupted data is removed. Then download the program from Evernote and try again. As @DTLow notes, you are better exporting hole notebooks. You can adjust the limit to around 1,000 notes by tweaking a configuration file but that can be very slow. There are several third-party applications that will do what you request. Have a search for Backuppery or Evernote-backup.
  9. If Joplin will do the trick then make a plan since I very much doubt that an intermediate tier will arrive anytime soon. For me the basic plan for Joplin doesn't offer anything that Evernote free provides. The next level up is only marginally cheaper than Evernote Personal. But reading your posts I sense your move will be a matter of principle. Go well.
  10. First of all welcome. I would strongly urge you to remove the image or obscure the Email addresses to avoid spam or other unhelpful attention. I don't think it is possible to remove the Email addresses. Just type the full Email that you want to use.
  11. I haven't seen this but others are reporting similar. It is evidently a new bug. You should open a support ticket. I'm sure that this will be getting attention already but more reports to support will add evidence.
  12. The first, automated, response to a ticket does indeed suggest the very things you describe and they can often resolve an issue more directly than waiting for a first line support person. That automated Email asks you to submit the Evernote log files for the device with the problem in reply to the automated Email to take things forward. That will take you on with the support person during the working week.
  13. The AI option sits on the tool bar but it is entirely inactive unless you click the icon and accept the process. You may be experiencing other issues causing the problems you described.
  14. You should make your suggestion to Evernote via a support ticket. This function is not, currently, supported. Did you look at the Postach.io route suggested? A third party application but it would give a URL for the notebook together with all the content flagged for publication.
  15. Sadly, the answers you may receive are identical to the ones you've already received. You can ask Evernote support for an option in settings (unlikely to succeed) or live with it. There really is nothing else to suggest.
  16. I think I saw a hoped for resolution in v10.58 although I've no idea when that might arrive.
  17. Except the deluge has arrived for Win7 using V10 and the clouds are gathering for Legacy. So I'm sure you are making a plan for flood protection.
  18. This seems to be a duplicate thread. In your other one I suggested Postach.io as a solution. Best not to double post.
  19. One enterprising user worked out a method of enabling a second dictionary. I saw the post a day or two back but not right now...🥺
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