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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Then remove the sharing. That might give you access to note history.
  2. The notes from the notebook need, first, to be restored from the Trash. Only then can you use Note History. From what you say I presume that the notebook and it's notes were shared. I think that Note History is only available to the original owner of the note.
  3. If you find a migration tool that works you'll be very popular. They mostly seem to have stopped working effectively.
  4. I haven't seen the Mac upgrade announcement but if you were misled you have good reason to be upset. The Legacy app remains available. You can search the forums where the links appear from time to time. Or you can contact support directly and they can help you. Meanwhile, make a good plan for your future needs. Legacy will be going away. The removal of the public download page was the first early step in the journey. My guess it will be gone within the next 12 months. So once you get Legacy back, you have time to plan at your leisure for the future.
  5. I don't plan to do anything. I'm just another user. Evernote staff have a STAFF badge. For you, the only options are services such as evernote-backup or Backuppery. I user evernote-backup on a weekly schedule.
  6. I had three minutes to spare today and decided to try out changing the Windows Tray Icon. It was really simple... 1. Quit Evernote so that the tray icon is not displayed. 2. Go to %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote\resources\static\win\icons = C:\Users\my_username\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote\resources\static\win\icons 3. Rename trayIcon.ico to trayIcon.bak 4. Create a new icon file for the tray. In my case I copied the icon.ico file that is also present and renamed the copy trayIcon.ico 5. Restart Evernote for Windows and the green elephant is in the tray instead of white. It really did take just three minutes. I've no idea what will happen when a program update arrives. Certainly if I was to reinstall I'd expect to have to repeat these steps.
  7. I don't think it is a question of whether such a sort order could not be done but it hasn't and is not on anyone's immediate horizon. Now would be a great time to advocate for this. If Evernote was to get sufficient interest including it in the AI Search work could be achieved. So, as well as speaking up here, be sure that your idea is submitted via a support ticket to add weight with the developers.
  8. We know that AI Search is on the agenda. I would imagine that it will be possible to make a request to find notes and also sort by criteria you can describe. I am certain that there will be no changes in the current search and sorting options in the meantime.
  9. This is exactly what is happening. In the old days of was possible, for example, to tag multiple notes and the sync then continued in the background. With version 10 each tag is updated one at a time in the foreground and that takes over the app for the duration. It is a function driven, I think, by working in the Electron framework. It is why there is a limit to the maximum number of notes that can be managed at one time.
  10. I only know that the issue is under review. I've no idea when the fix will arrive.
  11. All the factors you describe could contribute. You'll have to describe the way you experience the slowness for us to be able give any advice.
  12. I think this is all above my pay grade. I wonder if it depends on particular tweaks to Android that manufacturers make. That might explain why we've seen this a lot with Samsung devices. But it is easy to guess rather more difficult to speak authoritatively
  13. No intention of insulting anyone but a support ticket guarantees that your voice is added to the others who are raising this issue. Evernote staff do, sometimes, read these threads but by no means all the time. I completely agree that this issue needs to be resolved. I am pretty certain that the developers are equally aware. As someone else noted, we've seen a number of revisions to version 10.57 which indicates some action underway to resolve things. Please submit a ticket to ensure that the awareness of the issue is raised. Not an attempt to insult anyone's intelligence - just a request to join in the class action...
  14. A nicely worded letter but, unfortunately, Federico is unlikely to see it. These forums are mostly fellow users. If yopu want to reach Federico you need to send this as a DM or pick up the Email address he suggested users reply to in the Evernote blog post on the updating of the applications. https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-pricing-upcoming-features-update/
  15. The app store versions of the apps are notorious for their unreliability when interacting with external applications and the OS. So going for the direct download is, in my view, always a better approach. Even though you downloaded from an external repository the application is likely to attempt to update. As @PinkElephant notes 10.38 is a long way back in time. You have postponed the conversion process by opting into the much greater potential for note duplication. With the added issues that have since been addressed.
  16. When I made the switch to v10 I decided to go cold turkey. I forced myself to change and adopt new ways of doing stuff. It took me about 10 days to realise that I couldn't always remember how I did things in the old software. YMMV.
  17. Add note to Device Home Screen Gives an app crashed error for me too. V10.51 This is new fire me. I have several shortcuts created in previous versions of the Android app.
  18. There are several Gboard functions that don't work inside Evernote. I've not experienced any of them other than when testing. I simply don't enter text using them including this highlight/delete issue. It is likely that many of the billions of devices that have Gboard are not using it for serious text entry. But it is an issue and I'd concur with @gazumped that reporting it is the only way forward. However, by that route lies frustration since it has never gained attention. My GUESS ... The keyboard code is a plug in module within the Electron framework and JavaScript. Nobody has really grasped that it doesn't work with Gboard.
  19. You don't say which version of Evernote you are using which may be relevant. I haven't experienced any significant slowness with my OnePlus 8 with Android 13 and Evernote v10.51 However others do report problems. The release of v10.51 seems to have been welcomed as bringing improved performance. There is a general issue with all versions of Evernote where notes are slow to open. This is connected to a change in the sync process. Each note needs to be converted for the new real time sync when it is first opened. That's does create challenges for some users.
  20. @RMorgan sadly changing the keystrokes didn't work when I tried it. The Win11 screen capture seemed to steep in whatever key strokes are selected.
  21. I was grateful that you challenged the individual.
  22. I keep all my business and personal receipts and statements in Evernote. I could not conceive of concatenation as an effective method of assembling invoices and receipts. I have a notebook for each year and scan or save PDFs into that notebook. A separate notebook is kept for bank statements. I use the accounting software to check Sales Invoices. An Evernote search finds purchase invoices as I need them.
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