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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The OneNote importer is not supported by OneNote any longer. The often suggested route is to cancel your Evernote subscription and drop to the Free package. Keep your old notes as an Archive and start afresh with OneNote. Copy content across whenever it is needed and just use Evernote as a store for your historic notes.
  2. I have three minor adjustments that I employ for Evernote plus three or four Import Folders. I have all this documented in a note with a config file attached. If I might need to do everything afresh it is all documented. Also worth noting that if I rebuild my Evernote data for any reason some of those things such as Import Folders and settings for the Sidebar also need to be reset.
  3. Have you received the v10.58.3 update yet? That seems to have fixed things for at least some uers on Windows.
  4. Correct. By the time I'd commented on my use of Camscanner, I'd forgotten that the OP wanted a PDF output. Even so, the camera option does work well enough to capture data which can then be recognised and searched inside Evernote.
  5. Yes. I use the CamScanner app. You could also manage it with the camera direct into Evernote.
  6. Seems to be fixed for me with the new Windows release. So, hopefully, that's an indication that the next mobile release will catch up too
  7. But when did you last get a price rise? Six years ago for me. I think Evernote would have been better to have annual increments.
  8. Chat support is not available. Use the option to submit a ticket which create an Email interaction.
  9. v10.58.3 has arrived today. That may resolve some of the delays...
  10. Which version do you have? 10.58.3 is the latest just being rolled out with reports of improved performance.
  11. 10.58.3 is the latest desktop app. Of you want to get it before it arrives via the automated route go to evernote.com/download The web clipper is an entirely separate tool. It usually gets fixed in about 4 weeks. However, the desktop app issues have been given the highest priority so the Clipper may have been less urgent.
  12. Have you received the recent update - 10.58.3? That might resolve things...
  13. Just a thought... Cut/paste etc is an OS function. If you cut something from Evernote can you paste into a different application? What about the reverse? Can you cut from, say, an Email and paste into Evernote? This could be a keyboard glitch. Gboard is known not to play well with Evernote.
  14. Of course. Neither is Evernote happy. The data loss issue is getting the highest attention along with the note loading. I"m told that support tickets together with logs, note ID, date & time are really valuable.
  15. Oh and @gazumped's post includes a space at the end of the URL. Remove that and it should work Also the archive covers only 24 months. So you will need to open a Billing ticket for earlier periods.
  16. The service is temporarily suspended for a weekly maintenance release. Try again in an hour or two.
  17. Take a look in settings for notes in the desktop app. Choose the default you wish to use. But note it depends on how you attach the PDF. For example adding via Import Folder or the sendto menu in Windows and the selected default is inexplicably ignored. So there is a setting but also a bug with the setting. I have opened a ticket for this but it has been open for five months.
  18. This is documented quite widely in the forums and is a known issue. We also know that this and one other issue that have arisen because of a problem with the new Real Time Editing/Sync process are being given all the developer attention at the moment to identify a solution.
  19. The Evernote developers are VERY aware of the note loading issue. It is one of two issues that is currently getting the full attention of the developers. Describing the issue is easy, identifying what is probably going on is, apparently, not too challenging. Working out the sure and certain resolution is more challenging.
  20. This lost data issue is will known and one of two issues being given all the attention by the Evernote Devs. We were asked to submit a ticket with log file and the note ID as well as time & date when the issue occurred.
  21. Yes. The note opening time and the data loss experienced by some users are the two things being worked on at the moment.
  22. There's are lots of reports of this issue in these forums. It is an issue that arose with the new real time editing/sync.
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