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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. If you read through the various forums here you'll see that this is a known issue which is receiving urgent attention. The only access you have to tech support is via Twitter to @evernotehelps
  2. I may be wrong but I don't think Evernote supports HEIC images.
  3. The folding devices do not seem to play well with Evernote. I suspect that this isn't the only issue you might experience. You can submit a support ticket but I don't think that there is currently a resolution. You might find support in Samsung Fold support areas.
  4. Please submit a ticket. Closed tickets indicate that first level support has passed the issue upwards rather than that the issue has been abandoned.
  5. I've not experienced this issue nor the note count problem. I have noticed, in general, far more issues with Samsung devices BUT this may just reflect the much larger market share that Samsung holds. Sorry.
  6. Most likely, nothing is missing - just not loading on your screen. You may find the web interface to be more reliable while the current troubles afflicting some users are resolved. We know that this is being given the highest priority. The request is that customers submit an incident ticket to support including the note ID, date/time and the device log for Evernote. As you have found editing the note may not fix anything and could, actually create more confusion.
  7. Use your original username and password to log in on the new device. As @PinkElephant said, if that created a new Free account then you'll need to remember the Email address or username from your original account. If you still have the old computer then access your account from there and check your username/Email in the Account Information behind your account Emoji at the top of the sidebar.
  8. Your choice of course. But the 10.58.3 you get in a few days will be the same as the one you can get today and it may resolve the issues you have or at least some of them.
  9. My guess is that this exactly what the OP wanted to achieve. A neat workaround in my view especially if this is something done regularly. Thanks @scerwin for sharing.
  10. The current release version is 10.58.3. If you are on the download version you force a quicker update by downloading from evernote.com/download Otherwise you need to wait for the version to be delivered via the automatic process.
  11. The old content should be available via Note History available to subscribers. If you have a free account you could subscribe for one month and gain access. History is recorded for all users but only accessible on subscription.
  12. Please log a new ticket with note ID, date/time and logs
  13. This has been discussed elsewhere... A fix is being worked on and has been deployed for desktop apps.
  14. You will have received emergency codes when you first set up 2FA. Did you hide them away somewhere? Worse still, did you save them in Evernote?
  15. The challenge is not just Evernote. OneNote head changed too so the old ways of doing things are dysfunctional at both ends.
  16. When it was happening for me it was with the mobile device. I just looked at a note on my phone and the date updated. Not, however, on the desktop. I isolated the issue via the Note Info menu. On mobile it was updated. On desktop not.
  17. The data storage isn't an especially useful metric. Storage is unlimited for all Evernote accounts. What is relevant is the amount of data you've uploaded in the current month since this is limited depending on the type of account that you have. You can check your local drive and check what storage is consumed locally. On Windows with the direct download app this is the %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote There's is a similar place for other versions of the app.
  18. Are you using a mobile device? There was a bug with mobile that did this. Viewing a note marked the note as updated. I thought that was fixed but worth reviewing which device this is happening on and which version of the apps are involved.
  19. ScanSnap Cloud has become ScanSnap Home. I don't use it or Cloud. I kept on with the older ScanSnap Manager and have never done anything trying to scan to the Cloud. You could explore scanning to a service like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive or similar. Then create a directory there for your scans. Make the directory on your laptop an Import Folder then when you fire up the laptop Evernote should import everything waiting in the directory.
  20. I don't think I've ever seen anyone around these forums who is able to speak with authority about the API. Some of us discover small things. I'm sure you'll have to find an Evernote staff member to find out this kind of stuff.
  21. No, doing nothing belittles the issue. Opening a ticket is the only way to be sure your voice is heard. As it happens an Evernote executive head addressed the issue in a pinned thread. He has promised an update today so we will see what transpires.
  22. @Mac109 Since you are on a Free plan you have the challenge of sorting this issue out without the ability to jump to other versions of the applications. Your first option is to upgrade to the latest version of the v10 app. This is 10.58.3 Do you have the direct download or the App Store version? If the direct download, go to evernote.com and download the new version. If you are using the App Store version then you will have to wait for the new version to arrive. Personally I'd advise against the App Store app. But you have to manage your apps carefully on a Free plan. You can only drop two apps in a month. The key for you will be to review your account in the web. Otherwise you can reinstall the Legacy version. It looks like you still have a remnant installed. Links for the download are in many places in these forums including earlier in this thread.
  23. What type of account do you have? Technical Support tickets are only available to paid accounts. Account and Billing support is available to all. The link provided in the post above yours is the correct one. Or use the mobile app and the slightly easier approach from the setting menu.
  24. The spinning icon can be the symptom of a number of issues. The good news is that it is unlikely that anything is lost since the notes are stored on the Evernote servers. To reassure yourself login at evernote.com which will display whatever you have in your account. Indeed you can work from there. The spinning icon can be an indication for users on a Free account that they have exceeded the maximum number of devices permitted (2). It can be an indication that the notes are stuck updating with the new Real Time Editing/Sync function. It can also be an indication that your local data is corrupted in some way. Can you tell us which version of the app you have? What types of account you have? What you have been attempting which brought you to this problem you face?
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