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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. See the posts above yours. Penultimate is about as dead as it can be. Best to research an up to date alternative.
  2. I guess the answer is switch to V10 and the nag will stop.
  3. So, why not work during the web for now and open a support ticket too await the outcome. You don't say whether you have the direct download app or get the app from the app Store. If from the Store I'd recommend uninstalling and using the direct download version.
  4. Personally, I now advise not to use Legacy AND v10. The risk of conflict is too great and increasing. IMHO use v10 or Legacy and not both.
  5. This is a pretty standard description of the three note sync issue that arrived with RTE. Thankfully it doesn't affect everyone but for those who have experienced the issue it is immensely troubling. We know that the Evernote team is working hard to resolve this stuff but report it via the ticket system to add data to the issue.
  6. There is the current issue generated by the new edit/sync process which is receiving urgent attention. The new sync resolved the delays in syncing but created s ok me additional issues that are slowly being resolved. So now may not be the moment to cross over to the new version. However, there is no means to get rid of the nag screen. Legacy is on its way out. The current issues are partly due to trying to support two data structures. Evernote clearly needs Legacy users to make the switch.
  7. I can't comment on the Legacy question. I haven't used it for two years... The V10 apps don'thhave recurring note reminders but the new tasks have the option to recur and tasks can have a reminder. Using a task would be the best option in V10.
  8. As a workaround, and presuming you have a limited number of regions, you could search NA0034 AND EU0034 AND EA0034. The Boolean search is only available in Professional and Teams accounts but I think you could compose an Advanced Search. Actually it would better practice to break your TAGS down three separate items. Still use your normal label in the text but have a set oRegion tags, another set of Product Number tags and also a set of Tags for Design Types. As for the Emoji issue, put the Emoji at the end of the tag and, perhaps add a space.
  9. As @PinkElephant suggests. If the issue persists after the update try a full uninstall using Revo Uninstaller to remove any corrupted files. Download the current program from evernote.com/download
  10. Yes I did consider the option of creating Notebook called Action and copying or moving the notes tagged Action into the notebook also called Action. That would achieve the outcome but, I think, not what was asked and rather counterintuitive and really means the tags are superfluous. 😉
  11. I don't do the drag and drop stuff. I think that has been an issue for sometime in the Windows app. In both cases open a support ticket to add your voice to the issue.
  12. The spinning circle issue is known and on the agenda for Evernote to resolve.
  13. This would be worthy of a support ticket. Otherwise it will get lost in the frenzy to fix the lost content and other pressing stuff.
  14. Android 9 and earlier does not support the Evernote v10 app. It is not supported for updates or receive any fixes. You'll have to stick with the S21 for v10.
  15. evernote-backup on GitHub or Backuppery. Regularly discussed in other threads.
  16. I doubt that there is anything that we can offer. The too many logins warning means just that. You will have to leave it for awhile (I'm not sure how long that might be - possibly overnight) because you have made many attempts which, by your description, you have. As frustrating as it may be I think you will have to await support assistance. You can create new content in the new, temporary account and then export that to your old account once you regain access. It is unfortunate that this has fallen upon you at a time when Evernote Support is inundated with support requests connected to the service performance issues that are current. It seems to be taking three or four days for tickets to get anything except and the automated reply.
  17. Also, the pages with problems may contain .webm images which don't render in Evernote.
  18. Thanks for this update. I can see WSJ and others remain in the account settings area under Context Sources. I suspect that these have been dysfunctional for sometime.
  19. We'll have to see how AI Search will work. For now, the AI Cleanup does nothing to your data until you choose to use it and click through two checks that you want to proceed. I don't know how the AI Search will enable opt-in/out
  20. Evernote Experts have been told emphatically that tickets with the UID, date, & logs are wanted. The support ticket system doesn't track an issue beyond receiving the report & dealing with the customer. A closed ticket doesn't mean that the issue is resolved. It does mean that there will be no further update for the customer.
  21. You will need to tell us your device, Evernote version and operating system. Can you describe how the note was lost? FYI there are Spanish language threads of you want to work in Spanish. These are the English threads and you might get better support if you can post on English. Otherwise try the Spanish areas.
  22. @MogwaiJosh Yes, you need to subscribe to get technical support or rely on users in these forums to give advice. The usual cause is to have logged in with the wrong Email address. That will create a new, empty, account. Try reconnecting with the original Email address.
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