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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. EasyNote is not provided by Evernote. It is a separate business - a third-party app which can link to Evernote via the external API.
  2. The current version is 10.58.8. You can use that or Legacy. I no longer advocate running both alongside one another since the changes in sync really don't help the two versions to play well together. So stick with Legacy if that is what you want but be aware that it is on its way out. The best guess is that it will go within the next 12 months. So if you plan to continue with Evernote then it may be time to plan a gentle transition to the new version. It took me a couple of weeks when I committed to the switch. Mostly I had to learn new ways of doing what I had previously done.
  3. I'm not sure what EasyNote is or how it is linked to Evernote. In general, third party applications are restricted to the features of the Evernote API buit can, of course, add additional limitations. The Evernote limitations on Free accounts have, for sometime, been restricted to two 'devices'. 'Devices' actually means applications. So a third-party app such as EasyNote will count as a device as will all the apps used directly with Evernote. In this case, the limitation is from Evernote rather than EasyNote. But this is not new and has been fully declared since the limit was dropped to two 'devices' more than two years ago.
  4. As @s2sailor says, it sounds like you are still using an older version of the software. You can always download the latest version at evernote.com Be ready for a significant change to the software. With just a few days the learning curve may be a little challenging.
  5. That's quite likely since the API doesn't, yet, support the new features. A new API will be needed and then for the app developer to adjust their code to include the new features.
  6. I run a weekly backup overnight on a schedule using the evernote-backup application that can be downloaded from Github. Others use Backuppery. Inside Evernote best to export by notebook. You can export a whole notebook. Doing this will retain the notebook structure of your account.
  7. Personally, I have no need for this function but there are a number of threads by other users asking for it. So you are not on your own. We have no idea whether this has any priority in the development plans. We're mostly fellow users and unlikely to know before anyone else. My guess... It is very low on the list of priorities. There are many more urgent matters at the moment. My further guess is that it will not arrive within the next year but I may be wrong - it has been known. Perhaps there are a bunch of Legacy features that will arrive when a decision is made to remove the Legacy application support. But perhaps not...
  8. This is a well rehearsed proposal. You may want to locate the other threads and add a vote there. Meanwhile, other users have worked out a hack to support two languages which are documented in the forums.
  9. This issue has been reported and if it continues for you I recommend a support ticket. Meanwhile, if you can get the image from the smartphone I'd suggest you send it to your desktop and attach it from there.
  10. I agree that Image Attach button isn't working in Android v10.51.1 Anyone affected should submit a support ticket.
  11. Actually, it does cost. One of the main reasons for the difficulties with the RTE sync is the continued need to support Legacy. Possibly the easiest fix for the current problems affecting many would be to remove Legacy. I'm not saying that this should happen, but retaining Legacy is a not zero sum cost.
  12. My guess is that you've switched to full screen view. I think F11 is the key strokes to get back to normal.
  13. These forums are user to user. You need to follow up via the Account or Billing Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  14. It is just a warning that your storage is running low. There are other threads where wiser users than me explain when you could be running short of space. Coming soon will be a means to locate your Evernote data on an alternative drive. In the meantime you can continue as before but now aware of the shortage of space. You could also manually change the place where your data is stored - search for symlink.
  15. As is often mentioned, none of us are staff. These forums are user to user support. So what you get is opinion from fellow users who have also been around a bit with Evernote. As is suggested your only way to gain traction is via support tickets. Like it or not a decision was made three or four years ago to rebuild the Evernote app. What we call Legacy was abandoned in favour of a common code base which could be more easily maintained across all platforms. The company has made that switch and Legacy will go. So your fellow users either work their way out with new applications sticking with Legacy in the meantime or switch to v10 and adapt their ways of working. As for using Evernote as an image repository, that's never been it's best use. There are better image galleries on the market. Even so, I see no reason for things to change. You can continue to store images of you wish. But probably with some changes to workflow. Many, probably most, of my notes have images in them.
  16. I hadn't heard of this approach either. The 12 week year is a time management system created by Brian P. Moran, who authored the book by the same title. Moran describes the gist of the 12 week year in a single sentence: “Stop thinking in terms of a year; instead focus on shorter time frames.” https://monday.com/blog/productivity/12-week-year-time-management-system/
  17. You may know this but Evernote had an exceedingly elephantine memory. Check your account settings to see what you actually have..
  18. We all have a user name and password. Sign out and then you have to sign back in with a password.
  19. @Jollyjon I hope you've submitted a support ticket to ensure Evernote has data to add to the issue.
  20. This is by far the best approach since it is the only way to capture the notebook structure. As it happens this is still possible in v10.
  21. Did you carry out submitting the log files as requested?
  22. Here's a suggestion. Instead of moving the PDFs from from holding into import, rather copy them. That will leave the original notes and allow you to observe the last edited date of the original PDF. After the Import process, identify any duplicates inside Evernote. Now check the import folder and compare the dates. Another means of resolving this might be too empty the import folder after the process is complete. I have a batch file on my Windows machine which I have scheduled to run once a day.
  23. Files placed in an import folder should be added to a note once UNLESS the file is amended, gained a new last saved date or for some reason the Operating System amends the last saved date. In that case Evernote will treat the amended file as new and reimport it. This feels, to me, as though the duplicated notes are somehow getting a new saved date. I'm not clear exactly how @drmrbrewer is creating these notes and saving into the import folder but that would be my first place to start exploring a solution.
  24. The default limit is 100 notes per multiple note action. You get that without any further action. You can find the configuration change by searching for config.json on these forums. The edit required has been mentioned many times.
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