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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Checklists can be configured not to strike through when checked. See settings. Check boxes were maintained to work with the Legacy apps. They are accessible via the blue + button in the apps.
  2. I'd be happy to see this option available but it was the work of five minutes to replicate it outside the app. A simple batch file which I have working on a trigger on my PC clears my import folders.
  3. I'm not sure that RegEdit will do the trick since program files are still left on the PC. Uninstall using Revo Uninstaller and that should clear out ALL the dross.
  4. I got to the submit button without a problem. Didn't actually submit since I don't need to add to the list at support.
  5. I got 10.51.2 yesterday. So far I can share from my browser to Evernote without trouble. Sometimes these issue arise after a version update. I'd recommend uninstalling the app and then reinstalling and configuring your personal settings and see if that resolves the issue.
  6. I did get an Android update yesterday - now 10.51.2 However, I never experienced the File Permissions issue so I've no idea if it provides a resolution. I have to say that almost all the reports of this have been with Samsung devices. I can't say if it is OS version specific or just reported more by Samsung users because Samsung has the largest Android market share...
  7. Although Evernote does use OpenAI to power the current AI Cleanup function, it uses the business product and have configured everything to not feed the AI brain. As others have said, if you choose not to use AI Cleanup (a two step decision) your note will never visit the AI process. We'll have to see exactly how the AI search will work but I anticipate, based on conversations with the devs and Evernote Experts, that users will have the same option to opt out of all AI process.
  8. The warning is a new function in the latest desktop apps. It is only a warning. But you should explore how much free disk space you have on the primary disk partition as a proportion of the total size of the primary partition.
  9. For uninstalling did you use an uninstaller such as Revo Uninstaller? The default Windows uninstall leaves many files which may cause a new install to be broken.
  10. No. There is a very active process of encouraging a switch to the new software. It seems very likely that the old version that you have will be withdrawn sooner rather than later.
  11. The space warnings are just that. A warning. I'm told it triggers at 5% of drive space. For a 1Tb drive you need 50gb free space. So you are only just at the level of space needed. But chances are that your OS needs more than that much space to operate with ease so you will need to free up more space to get rid of the warnings. In the meantime you can continue to work. We're told that the option to use alternative drive space to store your data is coming. In the meantime search the forums for symlink to find other ways to achieve this until the function arrives.
  12. You can go back to Legacy if that's what you want. Lots of links to the old software in these forums or use the OS system restore/roll back. Before you do, why not give the new version a good trial since it seems clear that the Legacy package is on its way out. You can download the old version and go back at any point until Legacy is completely withdrawn.
  13. I don't believe that the HTML edit in v10 will be anything other than the simplify option that doesn't work for you. Since it seems likely that Legacy will cease sooner rather than later, it might be wise to make a plan for the future. I've become content with the simplify function even though I used to edit HTML in Legacy. Obviously, YMMV.
  14. I'm just another user. This isn't my product. I simply shared my view that running Legacy AND v10 on the same account is no longer wise. If you want to communicate with Evernote then feel free to open a ticket. In the meantime use Legacy as much as you wish but 'play the ball, not the player.'
  15. There are a number of threads discussing this issue. The check is looking at whether you have 5% disk space available. For a small SSD drive that may even be too small. For a large 1Tb drive you may feel that 5% is too big an amount of space However, the amount of space required by modern OSs is actually quite large too. We're told that a setting to allow Evernote data to be stored on an alternative drive is coming. In the meantime search for symlink and you will find discussions of how to manage this yourself in the meantime.
  16. The Free plan has a limit of two devices connected to the account. It also has a limit of two device disconnections per month. So it is likely, in the situation you describe, that you will fall foul of the disconnections restriction. The easiest option would be to subscribe for one month and gain the ability to tidy up your devices then cancel your subscription. While you are at it, change your password in case your account for compromised while you were away. The cheaper option would be to close your old account and open a new Evernote account and start from the beginning with the new account.
  17. The current integration that is promised (but don't hold your breath) is with the Outlook Calendar in a similar manner to the current offering with Google Calendar. There are several easy workarounds for the calendar earlier in this thread. There are no plans that I know of to produce an Outlook Email integration.
  18. Answered with your identical post. Please avoid duplicate posts.
  19. I don't believe that Evernote supports the S-Pen but I may be wrong... It has been known.
  20. To access Evernote support as a subscriber use: Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning The live office hours chat service is suspended at the moment due to workload.
  21. The Evernote text encryption has long been considered inadequate. Better to encrypt in an external application. I have used AxCrypt very successfully but it is a paid for app if you want to be able to work across devices. Saferoom is another application that I have used and offers a free level of access and is more tightly integrated with Evernote.
  22. Thanks for the clarification. As noted, though, the web client has counted as a device for more than two years so it isn't something new. Just something that some folk aren't aware of. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit
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