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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. @janndk will be likely to tell you of the poor experience he has had with the Android app. He will speak for himself. Just to say that my own view is that the Evernote app for Android is unsuitable for tablets. It is designed for phones and makes very poor use of the screen space on a tablet. I have found it better to access via the web browser with the site in the browser desktop view.
  2. Yes. You asked a question and I gave an explanation. Not saying I agree with the nags. Just why they are coming.
  3. Interestingly, it seems Fujitsu is now Ricoh which may account for the changes that are coming along.
  4. Every word processor I know will open an HTML file. HTML is really the de facto standard for common lowest level transfer of content. But you are correct that printing has been poor in V10 until very recently. V10.58 does seem to have resolved many things.
  5. The current challenges are proving to be a challenge for Evernote support. I think typical response time is currently around 4 working days.
  6. Yes, it may be lost. No, that isn't acceptable. Neither does Evernote consider it acceptable and they are deciding significant effort to working out what the cause is. In addition to the ticket you have opened, please contribute to this request.
  7. There is a continuing problem with some accounts experiencing occasional data loss. So that could be the case for you. Are you on a Free account or one of the paid subs? There is no support for Free. Otherwise you can go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  8. Could you cnfirm the level of account you have? Free, Personal or Professional???
  9. Put a larger number of notes in a single notebook then select to export the NOTEBOOK. You don't need to select any of the notes. Just open the notebook. Go to the notebook three dot menu at the top of the snippet/card view column and select export notebook. Or open the Notebook menu and go via the three dot menu alongside the notebook you wish to export. Same options. The 100 limit is for the number of individual notes that can be exported at the same time, not a limit when exporting a notebook.
  10. I just got an in-app message from ScanSnap that the old ScanSnap Manager software will cease to be supported from October 2024. So 17 months warning. I'm not clear whether that would affect anyone with the software already installed and in use. Probably not but having a just-in-case plan is likely to be a wise precaution.
  11. But I can add widgets. I did so this morning. v10.51.2 / Android 13 / OnePlus 8 device. The two widgets added below the time zone widget from a different app. Of course, I need to regularly remind myself that my experience is not normative. Just because it works for me doesn't mean it works for somebody else. And vice versa. A failure on my device may not be universal
  12. Technically, the Widgets are working just fine. What doesn't work, and hasn't for several updates, is the ability to create a shortcut to a note on the device screen. Any shortcuts already created continue to work but it isn't possible to create a new device shortcut from the option in the note edit menu.
  13. Great if that works for you. Don't you find that you are using significantly more data storage with the additional Legacy application and the additional Legacy data? As ever, the normal health warnings apply. Legacy is on its last legs so you will want a plan for when it finally dies in case the function doesn't appear on your new Mac
  14. Without doubt, the introduction of RTE has been a terrible experience for many users and a nightmare for Evernote. I've been fortunate but suspect that I am in the minority. Bending Spoons inherited many complaints about data/note duplication. The Evernote team had been working on a collaborative editing process linked to a new sync process aimed at resolving the old sync issues. That was being worked on for a year or longer with extensive beta testing. I had the opportunity to contribute some six months before it was released. It is evident that the RTE Sync was seen as an important win for the new owners. Sadly, what had worked well in beta with, I suspect, limited datasets could not cope at scale. It was further complicated by deciding to continue supporting the old sync alongside the new.
  15. Because Evernote is a business that needs to make a profit and Free plan users cost it money.
  16. But I think you could script the same thing on a Mac. My script deletes all files in my Import Folder based on a trigger that suits me best. In my case, when I next start the PC - generally the next morning. I have multiple lines in the script which empty the three separate Import Folders that I have in use. For a Mac bash file you'd need a line something like rm -rf ~/ImportFolderName/{*,.[^.]*}
  17. Yes, as long as you are happy going via one of the APK mirror services and download the APK and then upload and install it to your device. Be warned, however, the Play Store will simply update the app unless you block updates. Then, of course, you will not get the future updates when the issue is resolved.
  18. If you search these forums you should find an example of a hack to run two dictionaries on a desktop. In settings there should be an option to disable spell check. I'm on my mobile just now so not able to check in the latest desktop app.
  19. A lot of the issues that have arisen are linked to trying to run the new sync alongside the old Legacy. Hence the press to get folk to switch. In v10 you can export all the notes in a single notebook. No limit and that approach keeps your notebook structure.
  20. But what will be really annoying will be when Legacy stops altogether. So make your plan for what next. Either commit to the transition to v10 or make a plan for whatever program you will use instead. Price/Value for Money, features and the ability to move your data elsewhere as needed are all things Is be considering. Without doubt the easiest option in terms of moving data is to switch to v10. So the concerns are likely to be features and value for money.
  21. This issue has been reported in other threads. There is a request for feedback on current issues faced by users. Have you completed that? Similarly have you submitted a support ticket to add your experience to the issue data?
  22. No, that happens when Evernote pops up a confirmation. So whilst the batch file couldn't confirm the arrival of the file in the app, it isn't necessary.
  23. I've seen him say that he values feedback and that they will be read but that he cannot reply to the many Emails.
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