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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Yes. You have to download the APK from one of the many APK repositories. It isn't a great fit with v10. I'd strongly recommend all pre v10 and not mix versions any longer. The sync processes are now very different. Be sure to disable automatic updates or the app will just get refreshed and you'll be back with v10 in no time.
  2. To be honest, I don't have a clue about what you refer to. I think I have a different understanding of what is meant by 'versioning'. But, in general, if whatever you need isn't provided then you are absolutely right to look elsewhere. Good luck. Let us know how it works out.
  3. Close the app and then try again. Support tickets are, generally, going through. This widget issue is known and, I understand, receiving attention. We'll see...
  4. You passed a similar question in a different thread about the web client via Chrome. This sounds like an account issue since you seem to be discussing the Windows app here. Contact support. It seems that you have a wider account issue.
  5. I'm not seeing anything like this. Neither is there a flood of similar reports. I presume you've tried the standard stuff like clearing the browser cache and cookies. Could you try an alternative browser? Perhaps use Firefox since it isn't Chrome based. But even Edge could be worth a try. Otherwise, you'll need to contact sorry with a ticket. Of course, as a paying subscriber, you could just go with the desktop app downloaded from evernote.com
  6. Thanks. I still expect that position to change in a year or so.
  7. I received an update that a resolution is planned for 'the upcoming update'. I read that to say a fix has been found and will be rolled out soon.
  8. Could just be a corruption in the web clipper. Try removing web clipper then adding it back in and reconnecting. Could just fix everything.
  9. You are correct 'Open With' isn't on offer. As for the Update timestamp. I fear, to use your own words, you are 'doomed'. I don't see an update date edit option being available. It would simply be too difficult to sustain since so many actions update the notes date/time. By all means suggest it via a support ticket or feedback but I wouldn't anticipate a change to the current way of working. Let us know what support says about the future of Legacy.
  10. This has been discussed previously. On Windows you can use the OS to adjust the contrast. Or you can use a workaround described in a thread in these forums which explains the simple means to change the icon used.
  11. Have you disconnected the device inside your account settings or just simply logged out? You need to do the former. Account settings / devices You can disconnect only twice per month to prevent a free user gaining a bonus by disconnecting every hour too use a different device.
  12. Correct, v10 does not, currently, support the option to change data storage location. The last release for the desktop included a promise that this would be coming. Until then it is possible to achieve via the OS. Search the forums for Symlink. The Legacy software is no longer supported. It's not subject to any fixes. It is being allowed to wither away. We anticipate it will die within the next year. There is no Legacy that is supported. It is all deprecated. You also mention opening PDFs. The desktop v10 allows right click / open. I use it all the time. You can also modify created date/time. The updated timestamp is not amendable because it would simply be changed as soon as you made any changes to a note.
  13. I confess that I've never come across this method of exporting from the Legacy software. Something new to learn everyday. As noted above there are methods of achieving the same thing in v10. I use the GitHub application and it works seamlessly. In fact, once set up it requires less involvement than the Legacy process you describe.
  14. @KoZz Looks like you are using the deprecated Legacy version. This setting is scheduled for v10 but has not arrived yet.
  15. This is a known issue. Evernote staff have acknowledged it. We have to wait until a resolution is provided.
  16. It seems not. I cannot connect since I work with Windows. But we aren't seeing lots of comments. Sometimes rebuilding your local data can fix issues like this. Or uninstalling then reinstalling using a program that clears out damaged files.
  17. I'm not sure what guidance you are seeking. Personally, I think the soundest approach is to await future updates that will provide a resolution for the red screen issues. As mentioned in the threads, if you want to go back to an older version you should search for the version you want to try on one of the APK repositories that exist online. These are unsupported by Evernote. You have to side load the APK and be sure to disable automatic updates or you will soon be back with the current version.
  18. No. No information. Please submit a ticket to add to the available diagnostic information. In the Android app - Settings / Support
  19. A closed ticket doesn't mean that it has been abandoned. It does mean that there is nothing more to report to the customer. You can always return the ticket in, say, four weeks to ask what is happening.
  20. This is obviously a continuing issue. Uninstall/Reinstall seems to provide some temporary relief but clearly not a resolution. A support ticket is the only way forward. There will be no resolution to offer until the Devs locate the cause and can implement a fix. Sadly for those affected this isn't an instant thing.
  21. You can search via any number of APK repositories. You will have to sideload the chosen APK and be sure to block automatic upgrades otherwise you'll be back around to the newer version again. Or just persevere and anticipate the arrival of a new release with a fix.
  22. I fear you are on your own. A fellow users steps up to offer you a way of achieving something close to what you request. It is fair to assume that an exact step to your request isn't available. If your response is to be unpleasant then you can guess that fellow users will choose not to assist you in the future. In there meantime the answer to your original question is No, it cannot be done.
  23. @Ahmed S I have no experience of other makes of Android phone. There is no reason to expect that this brand will be any worse or better than any other. I suspect you will have to try and see.
  24. With the helper box open, click the third icon from the left at the bottom of the window. The screen capture cross marks should open and allow you to select the area of the screen you want to capture.
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