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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Export is via a desktop app or with a third party application. But you are stuck with a Free account to two devices. As far as you are concerned those two are your mobile and the web. So, yes, unless you disconnect the web version and change to a desktop app you cannot export. Remember, too, that you are limited to a maximum of two disconnections per month.
  2. Please confirm the version of Evernote you have. In v10.58 open the note three dot menu in the top right of the note. Select Export Note. To export a whole notebook, open the three dot menu at the top right of the snippet/card view column or the three dot menu in the notebook list. Choose export notebook. Otherwise we'll try again if you have a different application version.
  3. If you can access your account and see your data with the Google SSO then you can access your account settings and then check your account settings.
  4. There is a simple workaround to enable a second language. You will have to search in the forums to locate it.
  5. Ten minutes after my earlier post, Evernote Experts have received notice that Evernote is moving its centre of operations to Europe so all USA based staff have been laid off. I wasn't aware of this before the the staff. The staffing will now be based in Europe.
  6. Only ycombinator seems to be reporting this. (well actually Reddit has reported that ycombinator has said this...) I've not seen anything to indicate that this is true. We'll have to see.
  7. Everpaper is a product of the Chinese business that took over Evernote for China (Yinxiang). Now entirely unconnected with Evernote from the USA. Everpaper isn't designed to work with the Evernote we know. I'm sure you could find a way to get it exported but I wouldn't recommend unless you use Yinxiang.
  8. We know, because @Federico Simionato said so in another thread earlier today, that continued support for Legacy is causing significant challenges for both Legacy and v10.
  9. I am sure that many of us have learned new ways of doing stuff so that checklists have become easier to work with. Certainly the setting that allows a user to choose whether a checklist item is struck out or not helped some. Presumably some users have moved on but I couldn't say how many. For sure not working with Legacy AND v10 made the two approaches easier to co-exist for me. YMMV.
  10. Have you had an updated release to 10.52 or was that a mistype for 10.51.2? I'm hoping that the next version will include the promised fix for the red screen issue.
  11. I can see that this would be useful for some ways of working. I'm not sure If use it but perhaps I've given up using the back arrow because it didn't function intuitively 🥴
  12. Worth noting that the Trash notebook acts like an Archive provided it isn't emptied. Since this is a manual action it could be used as an Archive if desired.
  13. I can only refer you to the help page. That should be the definitive answer.
  14. I'm not sure that it has ever been possible. But certainly it isn't now. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313388-Tips-for-searching-scanned-PDFs
  15. Another workaround for sending files/documents is to send it to Email and then Email to the users Evernote address. That is quicker than the share to Google Drive.
  16. I'm not sure that pen support is intended for Evernote for Android. For sure, let Evernote know your interest via a support ticket.
  17. The red screen issue is well known. The Devs have acknowledged it and say a resolution is coming soon.
  18. Yes. It had been supported for some time.
  19. V10 had supported text encryption for some time subject to all the limitations of Evernote's encryption.
  20. I don't think that your experience is particularly common. Heavy resource use often indicates a corrupted note on the local copy of your data. File, Sign Out, Remove your data. When you sign back in the notes will be rebuilt. As far as the note export is concerned, there are a number of ways you can achieve that. This has been documented in many threads.
  21. Nothing has changed because the fix has not been rolled out. As a workaround I've created an Import Folder inside my Google Drive directory. I save any files I need to send to Evernote in that directory and they are uploaded to my account. I don't generally save websites clips from my phone into Evernote so that isn't an issue for me. For that I'd save the URL into a note and fix it on my desktop later.
  22. No. But this doesn't sound like revoking has worked for you. So there is only the option to wait a little longer and see if it is resolved or you pay for support which involves a one month subscription. Support should be able to fix what might be preventing you from resolving this. It might also resolve things. Or you can wait and see what happens...
  23. Sometimes the only solution is to pay for one month subscription. That removes all the limitations for that month and should get you going again. It would also give you access to technical support. You should view the one month fee as payment for support for the month. If the payment resolves the issue for the time being then even better. Alternatively you can wait until access resumes for you.
  24. Am I correct in thinking that Noteshelf is another application that you use? If so, it is very likely that the new Evernote sync changes are breaking the connection between Noteshelf and Evernote. A number of third party applications have struggled with previously functioning work flows since the new sync. Although the root cause is likely to be the changes with the Evernote sync you will need to ask the Noteshelf developers about their plans to work with the new Evernote sync limitations.
  25. Thank you @eric99 and @Alxa. I understand now. 😀 I couldn't say what the intended behaviours might be. If what you have doesn't serve you well then perhaps tasks might be better handled by a different application.
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