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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. As noted in the notice you quote, the default support ticket system remains available. But if you are planning to leave then I wish you great luck with whatever you choose.
  2. Or from the horses mouth... https://evernote.com/blog/moving-the-evernote-center-of-operations-to-europe/
  3. Have you tried @Boot17's suggestion? It is most likely that you've accidentally created a new, empty, account.
  4. I was picking up on @Mike P's suggestion. I'm not sure that that could be changed.
  5. A task in a template note will appear as a task in the task pop out so effectively scheduled when it is still a template.
  6. You could try the GitHub project evernote-backup. It works well for me and it's cross platform. Others use Backuppery although this has since charges connected.
  7. You will get an Email about 1 month before your bill comes due which will confirm the price for the next year. I would expect it to be at the new prices. If you want to know for sure for your account open a billing ticket with support.
  8. Which version of Evernote are you using? Web, direct download (ddl), or from the Apple store? I'm not aware of a general login issue. With two separate accounts this might point to a network issue.
  9. I doubt it is anything to do with the financial position. Just too many tickets to manage with chat included. There have been a number of times in the past when chat has been suspended. I imagine it will, eventually, return.
  10. Any that are not local only in the Legacy application.
  11. Of course, you will have the increased price regardless of which version of the app you decide to use.
  12. I don't think that chat will be back very soon. Possibly in a month or two. In the meantime support tickets are all that's available other than asking for help from fellow users.
  13. I think most people move there local notes into an online notebook prior along the switch to v10.
  14. The chat function was only ever available during West Coast USA working hours. It was taken off line in May when the RTE sorry load became significantly higher. I think to allow the support team to focus on the Email traffic via the support ticket system. That is still operating as normal.
  15. I'm fairly certain that one of the posts by @Federico Simionato detailed this. He had definitely detailed the action taken already and indicated what else is underway. Certainly the briefings we've had as Evernote Experts have confirmed this to be the case.
  16. Rather, this reflects the fact that your issue is very well known and it's being given significant resources to resolve for all those who are similarly affected. The note history function is the way to recover things for you immediately. If that doesn't work for you then a referral up the chain is needed because you are experiencing something more than what is common. If note history gets you going again then you are good to go. The Devs are already working on the issue.
  17. I think you've had a reply to your other post. Best not to post multiple times especially presuming you don't have an Evernote Teams account.
  18. @gazumped says above. Plus, to answer your question, the software belongs to Evernote. You have a limited license to use it but it is not yours... https://evernote.com/legal/terms-of-service
  19. This has been discussed many times since the arrival of version 10. Those who need this typically run a text expansion program such as AHK (Auto Hot Key) or Text Expander.
  20. You are correct. The tool bar is not customisable.
  21. How do you know it was untested? Perhaps not tested adequately. Anyway goodbye. The resolution is promised.
  22. If you made it to the temporarily suspended Chat service you were just a click away from the support ticket system. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  23. This is a known issue. Look through the forum threads and you will see this discussed including workarounds. We are promised a resolution with an upcoming update.
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