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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Also... Does the installation complete or is this error occurring during the installation? I suspect that this is a problem with the installer rather than Evernote. You have the option to use Windows' System Restore and go back to an image prior to the upgrade.
  2. The current release for Android is 10.51.2 and I'm told that 10.52 is about to roll out. The 10.12.1 beta is long out of date. I'd uninstall 10.12 and drop off the beta program.
  3. Are you able to confirm the version number of the app? I'm not aware that there is a current beta release for Android. I'm not clear if this is only a problem on your Android device or if this is an issue with all your devices. This does feel like a 'too many devices' issue on a Free account. What level of subscription do you have? I'd probably uninstall the Android app and then reinstall. V10.52 is expected in the next few days. You might be wise to wait until the new version is available.
  4. If definitely works for me. Chances are that there is a tiny hitch in the script that is run. Give your self a test. Then completely delete everything and start again.
  5. There is no fix until you receive v10.52 - assuming that the promised resolution works
  6. Looks like 10.52 is due to start rolling out later today, Tuesday. Of course, it is, as ever, a staged process so patience will still be required.
  7. What will you do if such a promise is not forthcoming?
  8. Did you manage to read the posts earlier in this thread? I thought they were clear. Please feel free to ask something more specific if it doesn't make sense...
  9. Since this thread was 18 months old there have been some changes in that there is now a setting to start Evernote at start-up instead of what we were recommending at the time which was to create a shortcut in Windows. There is still no option to start minimised. I believe that is a limitation of the Electron Framework that Evernote 10 runs within. There is no workaround. Those who prefer to be able to double click to open from the system tray tend, instead, to create a shortcut in the taskbar or on the desktop and click on that instead. As it happens I use the Nexus Dock program on my Win 11 machine and the Evernote shortcut there just requires a single click and the program opens. I hide the tray icon out of view and never use it. It took about two days for my brain to readjust to opening Evernote in the new sequence. I also have a shortcut in Windows so that Ctrl+F12 opens Evernote. Right-click on an item appearing on the Taskbar. Right-click on the program and click on Properties. Taskbar program properties Add a keyboard shortcut to the Shortcut key field. Save the change.
  10. I was imprecise in my language. Sorry. I should have said that the roles have been moved to Europe. I did not intend to suggest that the individuals involved had suffered anything other than the loss of a job.
  11. A closed ticket just means that it has been passed to the relevant Dev team or that the issue has been identified, a resolution planned and that they believe they've told you everything you need to know. It doesn't mean that they have decided that there is nothing more to be done.
  12. Worth saying that Legacy and v10 really don't work well together - especially at the same time. If you open a note in v10 the same note on Legacy will be locked out until v10 releases it. So sync errors are very likely. Really, work with Legacy or v10 but not both and especially not at the same time. Your use means you remain dependent on Legacy. I'd stick with that and start searching for an alternative product that does what you need. Of course you might find that you can adapt your ways of working and switch to v10. That worked for me two years ago. But I know it will not work for everyone. Given that Legacy is on borrowed time, best to make a plan.
  13. I agree. The update date and time is still updated after viewing a note with a few exceptions.
  14. There is a specific issue with the Share function at present. It's likely to break again. A fix is promised in v10.52
  15. We know it is scheduled for the next release. Who knows when that might be? Two - four weeks is my guess. But it could happen today.
  16. Any notebook you create in v10 is online. There is no offline option in v10.
  17. Yes, it does take a few hours for the data to catch up. There is no indicator to confirm that the process has completed. Obviously it depends upon the size of your database but you can expect it to have settled in a day or so. Remember that mobile devices work off line by default whereas desktop apps download everything by default.
  18. You don't say which version of the Evernote app you are using. Is this an invitation to move to a paid subscription plan? If so, select Skip Trial. If it is an invitation to update your application then that might be the best way forward.
  19. Provided you were fully synced before going off line and do not sign out you will be able work on your notes while you stay off line.
  20. Have a look in the Android forum area for Red Screen. This is well known and a fix promised in the next update.
  21. I run evernote-backup on a weekly schedule which does just what I need.
  22. Nothing European about this. The issue rolled out while the Dev team were still in the USA. We've been told that there will be a fix in the next release.
  23. Worth noting that the Share option is temporarily broken for most Android users. Given the common code base it is possible that there may be issues for some iOS users.
  24. Actually, the staff is now based in Europe - presumably Italy. This is not a sacking of all staff but transferring the roles to head office.
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