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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. If I was working as you describe I'd capture my notes in a native program on my tablet. Save the final result as a jpg file and attach that to a note in Evernote. My preferred approach is to use a Rocket Book notebook which connects to Evernote by design.
  2. 10.52.1 arrived for me today and seems to have fixed the file permissions bug and I can now add shortcuts to the device screen again as well as sharing content again.
  3. I'm told that there has been some delay other than from Evernote. Still be patient I'm not sure that it is particularly geographical. @gazumped has it in the UK but I don't yet.
  4. I understand that there has been a delay so the process is due to start today or tomorrow. It depends on some external factors.
  5. The roll out is due to complete by 17 July - today. So hopefully almost everyone will receive it today.
  6. I'd also add that in my view Free account users are generally best advised to use the web client rather than the desktop unless they are able to limit their use to just one device. The moment you routinely use two devices on a Free account the web client avoids many device limitations.
  7. @AppleGuy I admire your patience and determination. I don't know why this option hasn't been provided but it is nine years and counting since it was suggested. Mind you, changes of ownership may alter the priorities. So keep asking.
  8. The are a number of threads discussing this issue. It is well known, and as far as we can tell, understood. If you read the others threads you'll see that a resolution is being rolled out in version 10.52 of the apps. It really is a matter of waiting for it to arrive.
  9. As a temporary check, could you install an alternative browser and see if the Web Clipper works for you there. For example, install the web clipper in Chrome and see if that works. It is very common for plug-ins and add-ons to conflict. You could disable all your add-ons and then re-enable just the web clipper. If that works then add back each of the other plug-ins until web clipper stops working again. Then you know where you explore the resolution.
  10. As I said, there is no link between Yinxiang and Evernote. That was broken some time ago. You can go with Yinxiang or with Evernote. They won't cooperate together. Personally I don't want my data behind the firewall.
  11. My understanding is that Yinxiang and Evernote separated so there is no business relationship. I see, thanks to DeepL translation, that the current Yinxiang version is 10.7.34 However, the UI is entirely Chinese so not very user friendly for me If privacy is a concern then not the path I'd travel.
  12. I wouldn't call it a bug but if it troubles you then you should open a support ticket being sure to explain why you think it needs attention such as your explanation a couple of posts above.
  13. No, not yet. It seems iOS has started to appear. It doesn't touch the beta channel. It's a public release.
  14. Do you have other plug ins installed? Occasionally plug-ins conflict. It can be worth disabling all plug-ins and then re-enabling the web clipper. If it then works you can experiment until you identify the conflict. If that doesn't work then my only suggestion would be to change browser and/or contact Evernote support.
  15. I'm not absolutely clear how to reproduce your experience. In general, if the web clipper plug in isn't working, a good first step is to uninstall the plug in then reinstall and try again. Have you tried that?
  16. There is a known bug. It is expected to be resolved in the next release which started to be rolled out yesterday.
  17. Have a quick check of the web clipper settings. Could they have changed?
  18. Actually this is the way it has been with v10 since it was released. We each experienced this at the point we moved from Legacy. So I've been working with this for over two years. Someone who upgraded this week will only have it just now
  19. By now I assume you've realised that these forums are primarily user-to-user support. If you want to submit a technical support ticket you can go via the help area of the Evernote website. These forums aren't somewhere to log an issue. They are space to seek advice from fellow users who might have experienced the issues themselves and be able to point you to a way of resolving the problem. When that works it usually works more speedily than a support ticket. There is also a chat option but this is suspended at present because of some challenges with support workload. If you want to login directly to the web client go to: https://www.evernote.com/client/web
  20. Perhaps because there is no intention to address the space and two accounts in parallel. I've no inside knowledge but that may just be gone or not planned for future changes. The note opening lag has been addressed and, for some/many, it works well enough now with the suggestion that switching back and forth between Legacy and v10 may be part of the cause of continued problems. I applaud your commitment to trying to frame the conversation around Legacy features. I wish you well but strongly suspect that you will be unsuccessful.
  21. The Evernote Expert community has been given the release notes for the next versions of the Evernote apps which are being SLOWLY released from today - the first 1% of users today and so on...
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