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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Yes, and I think that much of the struggle some users have in switching is trying to squeeze their old ways of achieving things into a product that simply does some things differently. It certainly took me a week or two to work out that I could do most things I need but not in the same way as previously. Once I made peace with those changes I found that I made good progress. Keep asking your questions and sharing the solutions you discover. Equally keep highlighting failures that need attention.
  2. I don't use Legacy and would not try to use both together any longer.
  3. Do you have a Free account? Did you downgrade from a paid plan?
  4. This is an issue affecting some users but not all. The standard first approach is to uninstall, restart the phone, then reinstall being careful to use the correct username/Email. If that doesn't work then you will need to open a support ticket.
  5. It isn't a revised version of Legacy. It is a revised version ie v10 You probably won't like it but you may need to make your peace with it or make a plan for the future when Legacy ends.
  6. You can read the Release Notes for 10.59 for the tentative dates for 10.60
  7. Just reinstall the Legacy version and you will have both running alongside one another. Links to the installer address all over these forums or all your favourite search engine. However, I no longer recommend running both Legacy and v10. They work with entirely different data and sync structures. My view is that using both is likely to cause difficulties.
  8. CC to your Evernote Email address. This is a subscribers feature.
  9. As @gazumpedsays. Download the new version 10.59.5 from evernote.com. Make the change in settings.
  10. @jessicaker2000 Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
  11. @M. N. I'd suggest you contact support via a support ticket. You say you are using a browser on a mobile device. You could try a different browser, clear your cookies and cache, or try the Android app from the Play Store.
  12. The v10.59.5 release allows you to disable the warning and/or change the data storage location. Download from evernote.com or wait for it to arrive in app.
  13. You can get ahead by downloading the current version from evernote.com and install over the top of the current version. The setting to change the data storage location seems too work well.
  14. For Notebooks either open the notebook list and tap the three dot menu OR open the notebook and at the top of the note view column click the three dot menu.
  15. Things have moved on. V10.59.5 is now released and includes a native setting to change the data storage location.
  16. If you have the latest version release (v10.59.5) there are new settings to disable the disk storage warning and also move Evernote disk storage to a different location.
  17. The current desktop apps (10.59.5) includes the settings option to store data in a different location. Seems to work well.
  18. This is an archived area which hadn't any content. You may find it better to post in a current forum area to get attention.
  19. I'm not sure what your point is. We've no idea what might be going on at any point in the download process that you're experiencing. FWIW it could be quicker tomorrow. Took about 70s for me today. Too many unknown variables for this to tell us anything useful.
  20. I doubt that a fix to the API will be along anytime soon. What is really needed is a new API which connects to the new data structures and features. Tasks, Calendars, Note Update etc all need new options in the API. In layman's language the old API requires the Legacy connections and what most applications do is connect as Legacy. However, the real time sync has to lock the Legacy data while RTE/Sync is connected so many external applications are effectively locked out and generate errors. I don't think that there is a solution for this other than the release of a new API. My backup utility still works because, I think, I shutdown all Evernote access overnight when it happens I have the backup scheduled to run.
  21. The fix is supposed to be in v10 59 due anytime
  22. The usual cause of the lost notes is that you have accidentally created a new, empty, account. Log out and then log back in being sure that you used the correct Email address and password.
  23. This function was broken under the 10.51 release of the app. It had been fixed with v10.52 which is in the process of roll out. The fox is to upgrade as soon as you are able.
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