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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I suggest you search the forums for config.json You should find the details in a post from a year or more back. Edit: took two minutes to locate
  2. Yes, that should work. Bulk tagging is limited to 100 notes at a time unless you manually edit the config JSON file to raise the limit to a maximum of under 1,000 notes.
  3. Thanks for the extra explanation. Things do become more challenging working via translation. The option is not to ADD a business account but UPGRADE TO BUSINESS. This changes your account to the Business / Teams level. Unless you have a team of people to work with, there is no benefit to upgrading.
  4. 10.52.1 (1207729) arrived this morning via Play Store
  5. You can log in to each of your accounts but only one at a time. But you could share notebooks from accounts 1-4 with account 5. Then just login to 5 and view these shared notebooks through account 5.
  6. If your employer has a Teams account then the admin can create a user account for you in the Team. That is better than attempting to share with your personal account.
  7. Is this a Teams account issue? If so you should contact your Teams support contact. Otherwise https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action Go to the Reference section.
  8. I simply pointed to way of accessing the app until a resolution is provided. This is a bug. It had been acknowledged a resolution already being worked on.
  9. For me, the broken share was a far more significant issue than the Passcode. I don't consider that the Passcode provides any significant protection. YMMV Keep watching for the Passcode. We're told that immediately the Passcode will be disabled. Then it will be restored when a fix is identified.
  10. The AI Cleanup feature requires you to actively choose to start the process in a note. So unless you tap the AI Cleanup button it does not start. However, once underway you have to allow the process to be completed. If you have previously chosen not to show the second confirmation screen then I'm not sure what happens. Perhaps what you describe. If, like me, I have not chosen to hide the confirmation screen, then there's is a cancel button to the top right.
  11. If you have a Teams account you have a support contact at Evernote who should be able to help. I believe that tags belong to the person that created them. There are also tags for the team which the overall manager can manage. So, get the originators to delete the interested tags.
  12. @Thomas Alongi I think that you'll find that Jack Lynch is no longer with Evernote. The task sync engine is being worked on. Whether that will enable tasks in a table I could not say.
  13. You choose, of course, the adventure of trying multiple other applications. I wish you well.
  14. This has been discussed in multiple threads. There is some evidence that the issue is connected to the Android Passcode option in the app. Uninstall and reinstall. Immediately disable the Passcode setting. Leave the Passcode disabled until the issue is resolved in a future release.
  15. I've concluded that the most straightforward alternative to Evernote Legacy, for me, is Evernote v10. YMMV
  16. Do you have the Passcode setting in use? Disable this. That seems, for some, to be the way to resolve things temporarily.
  17. If you take a look at the Android forum area. This is being discussed. It seems that the most common workaround is to disable the application Passcode setting if you have that set up. It doesn't answer any concern that a user might have about security with a Passcode but others report that it resolves that white screen stuff.
  18. I doubt that it is because people don't care. It is likely that other things have the priority given that it is a really simple task to automate this in the Operating System. Recently the ability to move data to an alternative location arrived. It has been a requested function that existed in Legacy since the earliest points in v10 development. 'Remove source file' continues to be shown as 'Coming Soon' in the import folder set up so presumably it hasn't been abandoned. For sure Legacy is on borrowed time. As others have said, we will have to make peace with v10 or have a plan to do something else. Chances are that another application could be an equally large challenge to adopt in the first place.
  19. The local copy of the data file - image in your example - has a similarly numbered filename but lacking the file suffix. So I have a PDF file in one of the directories in the form 004471xc######################## It sits in the resource-cache\User123456\004471xc-####-####-####-############ If I want to open that outside Evernote then I need to copy that and add the appropriate file suffix so that it will open in a file viewer. Do tell us what you are hoping to achieve and it may be that we can give a more useful response.
  20. There is some indication that the White Screen issue can be worked around by turning off the application PIN if you have it enabled.
  21. Yes you can retain your old data as you describe but I'm not sure that there is a lot to be gained. Often the associated rebuild of the data can be beneficial in resolving issues.
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