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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I use import folders fairly heavily. I haven't, yet, had multiple copies. v10.59.5 Windows 11
  2. It is possible that another program has taken control of the shortcut. Some, but not all, Evernote shortcuts can be edited in Evernote.
  3. There is a bug in v10 59.5 which is affecting some users. I haven't seen it but I think that searching in an individual notebook can produce the error. Instead search on all notes and see if that works. Alternatively others are reporting that they have rolled back the software to the previous version.
  4. You have replies in the other threads you posted the passcode question in.
  5. If you work through the App Store then you are stuck with whatever version it has upgraded you to. In general the App Store versions are prone tochallenges because they run inside a sandbox. You could uninstall the App Store version and switch to the direct download. You'd still need to locate a repository online which could provide the 10.58 version for Mac. Otherwise you have to enjoy the current store version.
  6. You will need to search online for old versions of Evernote. Some folks recommend the filehippo service.
  7. I think we are miscommunicating. For whatever reason you have reached those limits. Whether it is your doing or not is, sadly, immaterial. The system has decided that you have breached the Free limits. Technical support is a paid service. So my advice still stands. Or you have to wait until the month times out. But if the rogue device cannot be disconnected then you will be back where you are. At the bottom of the reference page is a link to contact support. You could try following the option to submit a ticket as a guest.
  8. Then you should start your plan for what next now. It is unlikely that this will change anytime soon. The normally recommended way around this is to create short notes and link them together in a Table of Contents. Combined with Backlinks this works reasonably well.
  9. You have hit the limits of a Free account. Paying users aren't limited in this way. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit The quickest resolution is to pay for one month being sure to cancel renewal about two weeks before it is due. That will also give you access to paid technical support where you can raise the matter directly with Evernote. We are mostly other users here.
  10. As described earlier in the thread. You should roll back to version 10.58 until this issue is resolved. Also, Is suggest that you change your profile name. Email addresses have been harvested by various bad actors. I'd change to a simple name/number combination.
  11. It is temporarily disabled due to a bug in the app. It will be resumed shortly. In the meantime Log Out of the app and use that level of security.
  12. The warning is only that. Advisory. The calculation on Macs had been found to be faulty so you can probably safely ignore it. V10.59 includes the option to move your data as well as disable the warning. However some users report significant issues with searching with 10.59 So, I'd be inclined to stick with the version that you have until the issues with 10.59 are resolved and just ignore the warning.
  13. Are you using a Mac? There was a problem with the space calculation with Macs. That is resolved too I understand in the new release. But it is still only an indication that you may be short of space. When you get the opportunity disable the warning. You will likely not see any problems.
  14. You have to find the 10.58 installer. Perhaps a Mac user will be able to advise.
  15. Only accounts marked STAFF are from staff members. All these threads are users attempting to help other users.
  16. The new sync engine means that a sync button is superfluous. Sync is instant provided you have the latest version of the applications.
  17. It is warning only. There is no need to take any precipitate action. V10.59 off the desktop app provides a means to disable the warning and also to move your data of you feel it is needed.
  18. It is a bug that some users are experiencing in v10.59.5 I hear that some have chosen to roll back to the previous release until a new version arrives - probably early next month.
  19. I don't know how the billing works for Teams. I do know that it is more complicated than the simple $ per month/year that Personal and Professional accounts pay. You should have a Teams account manager you can contact but if that information didn't arrive or is lost then a support ticket will work. [EDIT: The dedicated account manager is for teams of 25 or more] However, if your bill isn't paid on time then the account will be suspended. For personal accounts that means you drop to the Free tier until the bill is paid. I don't know what happens with Teams accounts.
  20. Closed means that it has been passed to the relevant team and is no longer in the workload of the person who was first helping you. As @gazumped suggests follow up your ticket if you want more detail.
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