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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I'm advising search in all notes then use a filter to choose the specific notebook rather than select the notebook and then search inside the notebook.
  2. I'd first access my account via the web client. That should give you working access. Then I'd use the free Revo Uninstaller to uninstall the desktop app. Finally reinstall and see how that goes for you. A standard uninstall doesn't fix all issues.
  3. @Hamburglar I can submit a ticket from within the app on my Android phone. It is an interface native to the app not via the Evernote website. @MarkML1 I'm sorry for your frustration. As fellow users there's little we can do other than commiserate. Support generally takes around 4 days to respond after an initial automated reply. I'm not sure it is helpful to the recipient to direct frustration to the individual.
  4. Still assuming you are a subscriber, you could download Evernote to your mobile device and go via the direct support link.
  5. Subscribers can open a ticket at: Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  6. It is the price you pay on the Free plan. Maybe a small price to have an otherwise Free service.
  7. v7 and v10 actually operate separate data on the device but both connect with the data held in the Cloud. So what you need to do first of all is work out which application is failing to sync with the cloud. This will only work if you are a subscriber and not on the Free plan. If you are on the Free plan then I think you are stuck since Free plan users can only have two 'devices' connected to your account. For these purposes each application counts as a device. If you are a subscriber then you can access Evernote via the web client. Make a simple but easily identified change in v7 and separately v10. Check which one isn't sync-ing to the web client. Once you have that information you will be in a position to fault find the sync for that client.
  8. This is the Android forum. If you pop over to the General or Windows areas you'll find lots of discussion of this issue.
  9. My guess is that you aren't running Evernote Teams. If you are you might be best raising this with a support ticket. Otherwise, let us know which device and, in particular, the Android keyboard you are using. Perhaps also describe the exact steps needed to reproduce the error.
  10. I see evidence neither way. I simply observed that there is a release scheduled for the end of this week. Given that I've not experienced any of the 10.59.5 issues I've not had to raise any support interaction. But I did raise the 10.59 issues in the Experts conversation last week. They had already been reported a week earlier so I am sure that the issues are noticed. It will depend upon how complex the issue is to resolve.
  11. This is an issue with the 10.59.5 release. Some users have found an earlier release and reverted to that. Otherwise a new release is scheduled for the end of this week or more likely early next.
  12. Thanks. In that case I would recommend that first try to rebuild your data. File, Sign Out, Remove Data then log back in. If that doesn't work you may find that using the direct download of the software from evernote.com/download might work better. Otherwise open a support ticket. Some users are experiencing issues with version 10.59.5 of the app. So you could wait until the next release due early next week.
  13. Just submit the suggestion as a technical support issue. The Feedback option is returning to applications. Use that it you have it.
  14. There is no switch to disable updates. They are supposed to load in the background and provide an indication on the menu column so you can choose when to initiate the process.
  15. Most often notes that are locked have been shared with you with view only permission.
  16. Actually the beta for Outlook calendar has been cancelled. A third party API tool was being used and created too many problems. I understand that a switch is being made to use the Microsoft API and that something will return in the next few months.
  17. I have to take your word for the way you describe using an import folder to open an ENEX file as a new note in Legacy. I don't remember this but it is now two years since I used Legacy for anything. It was, though, only for Windows so Mac Legacy users won't be able comment. That said, I think the current way that v10 users Import Folders to attach all files to a note is entirely logical and what I would expect. I doubt that there will be any change in the future.
  18. Yes, this is an issue with 10.52.1 of the Android app. I collapse the tag list so that the flashing menu isn't triggered. We're awaiting the promised release of a new version to restore the Passcode and, hopefully, fix the flashing menu too.
  19. With no intention to belittle the challenges some are facing with 10.59.5, I am pleased to see @Mike P's reminder that instead of filtering then searching, it is as possible to search then filter.
  20. I think those experiencing issues with 10.59.5 might report any, all or none of the things you mention. But that there is a problem with the 10.59.5 release there is no doubt.
  21. Until the Passcode returns you can, instead, Logout so you're not entirely unprotected. It is less convenient. You can export notebooks in the desktop apps or using third party apps such as evernote-backup. With a Free account, if you don't currently use a desktop app, you should ensure you only have one device connected to your account.
  22. There are all sorts of issues around but I've not seen what you describe. If he inclined to rebuild your local data. File, Sign Out, Remove local data If that doesn't work then uninstall using Revo Uninstaller to ensure any corrupted configuration files are removed. Then reinstall.
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