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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Sadly there are no fixes for any issues with V6 of the Evernote app. It is abandoned for nearly three years. If you want to use it you'll need to accept whatever limitations you find. Sorry.
  2. This is well documented in the Android forums. It is temporarily removed because of a problem. A replacement version of the app is scheduled for next week and it will restore the function.
  3. It is not an option. The suggested way of achieving is to create each 'chapter' or section in a note of its own. Then create a note to hold a Table of Contents. Add an internal notelink for each section into the table of contents.
  4. If you wish to downgrade then choose cancel your subscription. That will drop to the Free plan and you will retain access to your content subject to the limitations of the Free subscription.
  5. The passcode function is due to return with v10.53 which is scheduled to begin release next week. Meanwhile Sign Out from the app to secure the data if you feel that is needed.
  6. Do you have auto-filing enabled in your online settings/profile? This can override what you type in the subject line. https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action
  7. Unless you have the Mac Store application. I'm not sure the option is available in the store app - someone will remind us
  8. Having undertaken the search in Notes, it is then possible to add a filter to limit the search to a specific Notebook.
  9. As you could see, these issues are reported in multiple threads and many other users would concur that these are bugs that arrived with verion 10.59.5 of the software. We await 10.60 which is anticipated for next week. Whether all the issues will be resolved we do not know.
  10. The ScanSnap Manager application isn't receiving updates so it is possible that it hasn't been updated for whatever changes on either side need to have been made. I scan into Evernote from ScanSnap all the times without incident. So I doubt Evernote it's blocking anything. But there link between the two independent pieces of software may need to be tweaked. Best, though, to switch to ScanSnap Home and configure as suggested to use Input Folders.
  11. You can manage location of the data storage in settings. You asked if it was possible to "age-out" older notes. That doesn't and didn't previously exist.
  12. Yes, I have shortcuts to my various Import Folders inside my default scanning folder. That way I can quickly drag and drop into the folder which is the chosen final destination.
  13. Rebooting is always a wise step in fault finding any issue on a PC. Reinstalling may or may not help but will certainly lead to an opportunity for at least one beer. Other beverages are available...
  14. This sounds like a glitch between the scanner software and the import into Evernote. In addition to @gazumped's excellent questions I'd also ask what scanner software are you using including version. In general I'd say that the best way to scan into Evernote is using the scanner software to save into a folder on your computer which is linked into Evernote as an Import Folder rather than attempting to scan directly into Evernote. Fujitsu is in the process of depracting its older ScanSnap Manager software in favour of the ScanSnap Home software.
  15. If there have been attempts to connect they may have been unsuccesful and, therefore, no devices logged. As ever the advice is to reset your password to something unique to you and Evernote and enable two-factor authentication. Best to use an authentication app rather than SMS. I believe that SMS authentication will be deprecated this come Autumn.
  16. You could rebuild your local data and try again. File, Sign Out, Remove your data. Log back in and the data will be rebuilt but it can take sometime for all the notes to get a full local copy. If you go that route I'd wait a week before trying again.
  17. If recommend only using the web client and disconnect the desktop. The two device restriction is very limiting for Free users. The web client is the best option to enable ready access to the account, settings etc If you've tried to revoke access more than twice you'll have to wait 30 days or pay for one month. If you decide to pay remember to cancel renewal a week or so before the renewal .
  18. We're looking forward to a new version release next week. Trusting for some resolution...
  19. If you installed v10 recently it typically disabled the Legacy software. You can reinstall v7 and it should work as before.
  20. Thanks @Alex Acutain. Unfortunately the questions are regarding the Android app. Not the Windows desktop which you refer to. I don't use Evernote to record audio. I'd use one of the better recording applications. My first place to look would be the default Android Download directory. Unfortunately Android is notoriously difficult to navigate searching for app data.
  21. No. As in the earlier posts, it is probable that Instagram changed its cookie requirements and that conflicts with the mobile share function. You could, perhaps, try sharing via an intermediate application. Try sharing to, say, Kindle or even Google Drive. If that works you may then be able to share the content to Evernote.
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