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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. As explained above. You are provided with a set of emergency codes in case of problems... Keep them somewhere safe, not in Evernote.
  2. I don't think you are being manipulated by anyone here nor by Evernote. Clearly you are unhappy but gaslit - no....
  3. I believe that there have been some attempts to compromise some accounts. No doubt the SMS method has additional expense sending the SMS.
  4. That sounds to me like the phone wasn't displaying the image of the QR code. Good that it is resolved via the iPad.
  5. @Meursault Make of me what you wish. I simply ask for accuracy in our criticism and avoiding ad hominem attacks. Thanks for clarifying your criticism of the support offered.
  6. This issue could be a fault anywhere in the Email chain. Given that the issue was/is widespread or has, I think, to be close to the Evernote end. But it could be a machine outside Evernote but nonetheless blocking transit onto the incoming mail servers. It could be the Evernote mail servers or it could be the process that delivers received mail to the individual account. I doubt we will ever know.
  7. All the Auth apps need to refresh with a new phone. The unique ID friends on the unique phone identity. Change phones and you get a different code. Maybe Authy does some clever stuff between devices but I somehow doubt it.
  8. @WilliamL I think you have several weeks before you are forced to change to app based 2FA. Did you first of all disable the SMS authentication? Then attempt the connection to your preferred authenticator application...
  9. I was affected yesterday (4 August 2023). The Email forwarded to my Evernote address eventually arrived some 12 hours later. Today, a more normal 25 minutes to appear in my desktop app. Either the log-jam is clearing or someone responded and kicked the process back to life (or both). We'll see if it stays alive.
  10. If this is an Android app issue, you will have the version relevant to your version of Android. You need at least Android 10 on your device. Android 9 or below and you'll get V8 of the app.
  11. I had some content finally arrive around 12 hours after submitting. So either the log jam is clearing or someone has kicked things into action.
  12. I have a support ticket open and, so far, receiving appropriate interaction and advice. So I cannot agree that Evernote has "no support team".
  13. I can only say that it works for me. Otherwise open a ticket and come back in a few days when, perhaps the issue is resolved and you have time to try again. You might try to disable 2FA before trying it again.
  14. 10.60 is scheduled for next week. We'll see if it fixes everything...
  15. You can use any Authentication app that supports TOTP. Authy is good or Microsoft Authenticator. There are many more options. Your choice. Just choose the Google option in the setup but use the app of your preference.
  16. I think you are referring to the missing Passcode setting on the Android app. This was disabled temporarily because of a bug. A new version of the Android app is scheduled for early next week with a fix. In the meantime logout of the app if you need the additional security.
  17. The note updating issue was known but I thought resolved. In general the v10 application updates a note with many more actions than the old Legacy version. So now adding a tag, moving notebook and similar update the note and so change the updated date/time. I doubt that will change.
  18. Do you have v10.59.5 of the app? By many accounts it is full of bugs affecting searches. A new release is anticipated next week which those affected are hoping will fix things. Until then some users report that starting searches in the all Notes view and then filtering by tag/notebook seems to work.
  19. Lots of discussion in other threads. New release expected next week with a fix. Meanwhile just sign out of the app to achieve the same thing. Not quite as nifty but just as secure.
  20. In the past signing up for 2FA generated a set of emergency codes for just the situation you describe. I think it is possible to generate a new set of codes in the online settings/profile. Keep them separate to your phone...
  21. This is widely reported. We're expecting a version release early next week. I'm anticipating that this particular issue of the many 10.59.5 issues will receive attention. We'll see. Meanwhile, when searching start in all Notes. Search. Then in the results filter for the particular notebook and tags.
  22. Select Google Authenticator but actually choose whichever equivalent you prefer. Authy, as @PinkElephant uses, or Microsoft Authenticator or whatever. For Android I found seven options in the Google Play Store.
  23. Try this help page https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056549574-Permanently-close-your-Evernote-account
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