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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Can you tell us which version of the Evernote app you are using and which operating system you are using? Is the app downloaded from evernote.com or from the store?
  2. It could be very hard or at least complex. How could we say. As we have seen all to vividly (with v10.59.5) small tweaks can have unexpected and significant impact. We know that the current development effort is focused on speed and reliability. Since this is in neither area I doubt it will get attention in the short term.
  3. Ooh yes ... The app store versions create significant challenges interacting with the OS.
  4. That is an operating system message. It will something to set within the OS. Hopefully a Mac expert will be along soon to advise.
  5. Does this help page assist? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048593674
  6. The add-on is more like a clipper. Designed to work directly with the Gmail web interface and reproducing layout etc. The forward to Email is simply attaching an Email into your notebook.
  7. I haven't received 10.53 yet either. My experience is that updates can take as much as 10 days to arrive. We're in the hands of the Google Play Store unless you choose to side load from an APK repository. Added to that I believe an additional fix has since been released so that could reset the clock. Sadly patience is all we, you and I, can practice. There's nothing that Evernote can do to speed the process.
  8. Templates are applied when first creating a note before content is applied.
  9. I suggest you temporarily switch your keyboard to English. Try the shortcuts and see if they are now working. If they work with the English keyboard but not Dutch then that confirms it is a conflict with the Dutch keyboard.
  10. That's an OS setting. Share feedback opens a blank Email addressed to feedback@evernote.com It looks like your OS is set to open a browser window rather than an Email account Windows by default.
  11. Your account has been deactivated but it can be restored. Continue the login process.
  12. The web client has been counted as a device for a number of years but it can be used on all devices apart from mobile. So, for a Free account, use the web client plus a mobile. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit
  13. This had been discussed many times. The recommendation is to use coloured emoji bullets in note/notebook/tag labels
  14. You could try the web client which might work when the desktop app doesn't.
  15. The link to support is via the Contact option at the bottom of the help pages. It is also included in many of the specific pages including the one I linked to regarding understanding device limits. In that case in the section "Why am I getting a device limit message when I only use Evernote on two devices?" As @PinkElephant says about submitting the request.
  16. There are regular reports of Free users struggling to drop devices from their account. I suspect that you cannot drop the web whilst you are accessing with web settings (which you have to do to access these settings). Whilst I understand that you feel that is some kind of scam to force you to pay, it really isn't. In fact it has been enforced to reduce the number of Free users who were gaming the system to keep dropping devices. For Free users the advantage of the web client is that you can use web from multiple computers. That would be my recommendation to anyone wanting to run a Free account on more than one device. In the meantime you can get account help as a Free user at: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true This help page might assist you too: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit
  17. Almost certainly not on the road map. But Evernote, in common with many developers, rarely discusses its plans in public.
  18. How would this be as a workaround... If I've misunderstood the requirement then my apologies. This is for a Windows system... Create a shortcut on your computer desktop for the folder/directory you want to access from within Evernote. Drag and drop that shortcut into a destination note inside your Evernote account. You can then open the file explorer window for that directory with a double click on the shortcut link inside Evernote. Finally delete the shortcut on the desktop unless you want to keep it there for other reasons.
  19. Have you received the latest update yet? v10.53 If not, nothing has changed for you. Hopefully 10.53 will provide a resolution. Otherwise you will need to submit a support ticket. I'm assuming you are on a Free plan. To do that you will need, in effect, to pay for support by taking a one month subscription.
  20. I don't use the SMS service but the place to get the backup codes is: https://www.evernote.com/secure/SecuritySettings.action This is where you can disable 2FA and then reenable with an authentication app. For support for your personal account you can access: Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning If you still run up against the login problem try https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true This will give you access as a guest so you will have to explain your account information clearly since you won't have logged in...
  21. Yes, the same for me on Windows. It just opens a blank Email addressed to feedback@evernote.com This now provides an option for those who wish to send Email feedback direct to Evernote although no response should be anticipated. Better than the previous feedback survey I think.
  22. I've used the Thunderbird Email software in preference to Outlook. It serves me well but, similarly, every issue arises from the 3rd party plug-ins or at least the dysfunction that arises when the main program is updated.
  23. You have posted similarly in multiple threads. I'm not clear what it is you are trying to achieve. In any case this is an archived thread so perhaps return to one of your other posts and explain what you need as a result. Are you seeking a simple backup or a collection of notes in an alternative format?
  24. If you are coming up against the 100 notes limit it means you are highlighting the notes inside a notebook and attempting to export. Instead open the notebook window. Open the three dot menu alongside whichever notebook you wish to export and select Export.
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