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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. You can build export notes by notebook (or as a whole account using this party tools). What can't be done is bulk decrypt notes. You would have to do that manually as you describe. Without wishing to flog along dead horse, it is still worth noting that the Evernote encryption is so limited that using an external encryption method is better. I have used AxCrypt. Others just use a Zip archive or document encryption. But you are where you are so I fear your current approach is your only way forward.
  2. I suspect there are two different Teams products discussed here 🙂
  3. No, in general I get alerts regardless of whether the app is open or not. The only time that doesn't happen is if I set the reminder in the desktop app. Then the Android app won't sync to the cloud until it is open so the reminder doesn't sync either. There is a common issue with Android devices that block reminders from apps that run in battery optimised mode. It varies with version of Android.
  4. You can only go to your account support as a guest. They should get things fixed for you. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true
  5. Probably nobody had any insight to offer. Thanks for your suggested solution. A great win ☺️
  6. There has been no promise of linking to 'anchors' within a note. Even if it is on the possible in the future list, we would not know. What we do know is that developers are almost entirely focused on speed and reliability. So don't make any plans waiting for this. What you can do is create a ToC note and have each section in its own note. With the back link function this does quite well. This is now a v10 function so you'll find this discussed in the V10 areas rather than these Legacy discussions.
  7. If you have a paid account then you should open a support ticket.
  8. I'm not the technical expert that you are. You have described the situation much better than I. The API doesn't, currently, include the new stuff. I don't anticipate that will change any time soon.
  9. No. I think you will need to pay for one month to access Note History. Of course you could try to persuade Account support for help... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true And then explain your problem. But the only official way is to pay for a month.
  10. If you are using v10.52.2 then you need to wait for the resumed release of 10.53 later this week before the PIN feature is restored. If you are on the V8 release this thread covers then the uninstall/reinstall should work.
  11. I'm not sure I would recommend the 10.53 release that is available via an APK repository given that it has been withdrawn by the developers. Might be best to wait for the release being resumed later this week.
  12. @CherylB It might help to tell us which version of the app you are using.
  13. All types of account have the Note History feature running in the background. If you signed up to a Personal account for one month you would be able to get older versions of a note via a desktop app. You could cancel the subscription before the end of the month and drop back down to Free.
  14. This isn't an attempt to force an upgrade. But if you want to use the Note History function then that had always been a subscriber feature. You can pay for one month and then drop back to Free .
  15. The 10.53 rollout was stopped because of some performance issues. Should resume later this week.
  16. If you want to backup the Evernote data directories you should retain %AppData%\Evernote This presumes you are using the downloaded app from evernote.com If you are using the Store version then I've no idea where the data from that is stored. Actually you might be better backing up with an external program. I use the GitHub project evernote-backup Others use Backuppery.
  17. As @PinkElephantsays. Meanwhile log out when not using the app to achieve the security of that is what you need.
  18. The answers are the same as when this thread started. It could be the operating system, Evernote, user error or likely other issues. As I suggested much earlier, reinstall then uninstall using Revo Uninstaller to properly clean out the installation. Finally reinstall with the direct download from evernote.com and login. Hopefully that will resolve things for you.
  19. There's is no feedback page. It is an Email link. So likely you have a default link between Emails and Chrome in the Windows default app settings.
  20. Just noting that the release of v10.53 for Android has been suspended because of a performance issue. It is likely to be resumed next week.
  21. Or Brave is disallowing Evernote. I suspect the problem is on the Brave Linux side.
  22. Try opening an Account support request as a guest to bypass login. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true
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