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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. There is the subtly-named Wherevernote... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.visualcandy.wherevernote
  2. Hi John, thanks for your detailed answers. My database size is 14GB / 21,000 notes - the average size, as you'll see, is a lot higher than your model. I digitised a library of documents so I have notes with lots of PDF pages. At the moment I'm doing a local backup to external hard drives in two ways - including the Databases folder in my normal system backup, and also copying the folder individually. I'm currently running Win 8.1 and EN Desktop 5.9.2 beta on an 8GB I7 Dell. You're right, of course, that restoring an ENEX file goes (by default I think) to a local notebook, but I'm still concerned that if I ever had to restore my full database it would take me 2 months and a fair amount of extra work to get back to fully synced notes. Nevertheless if the other choice was not to have any notes, I think I could live with that... Is there any chance that you'll consider offering a notebook-by-notebook backup at any stage? That might answer Morticia's query about some notes not needing backup - like my own digitised library forinstance, which is for reference, not for frequent (or any) editing. It wouldn't be a hardship to have one or more notebook(s) backed up once every 6 months, while others got processed every few days... I appreciate we're talking about - initially at least - a free product here, so at some point the bells and whistles will start to incur a cost!
  3. It's pretty easy to exclude notes from searches - see above. I wouldn't imagine it's a high priority feature development. There are a few other things to fix first, anyway...
  4. Hi John. I'm a little nervous about exports to Enex on a scheduled basis. Export by default might take a long time - a full export of my c.21,000 notes seemed to take forever the last time I trieddoesn't preserve a notebook structurebreaks note-to-note linksdoesn't include any clues as to notebook hierarchyrestores as one potentially huge notebook that could break even premium upload limitsmight be happening at the same time I'm editing a note - which version survives? (If I'm managing an export of my own, I'm -by definition- not doing anything else!)Can you provide any more comment on these points? I can still see that there are huge advantages to having a set it and forget it backup, and I think it's a great idea to make it really simple for the majority of users out there who need to be convinced that backups are a Good Idea, but a full restore might take a very long time to sort out...
  5. There are innumerable posts in the forums covering both sides of the argument - for and against hierarchies. Evernote don't generally seem to feel a need to justify their product design - the simple fact is that this has been the choice since it's inception, and they've shown no inclination to change. They may have given it some thought, or they may simply have followed Google who use the same structure - and have even more accounts than Evernote. As a user, either you learn to use it, or you find a different product.
  6. Hi. The Help Center has stuff on crashes - any of this relevant? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005567
  7. Hi Jason - thanks for the confirmation and some background, but given that there's a long history of mobile device users with limited storage, and more 'expert' users like me wanting to download databases that exceed the available internal storage space, couldn't this be offered as an option? Performance issues would be down to Evernote to solve, or to me to accept, as would Security problems. Would this be accepted as a feature request, or is the door slammed firmly shut?
  8. ...and please don't cross-post! https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/88728-searching-text-in-images-but-it-is-not-highlighting/?p=379388
  9. Hi. You're correct that it's not easy to tell which notes or notebooks are shared. It is possible to search by " sharedate:* " which will give you some useful information, but I tend to share by notebooks mainly, so give that notebook a suitable title; and on the relatively few occasions I've shared notes, I move them into a 'Shared' notebook so I know which ones to be careful of. I was mainly concerned not to delete or move them by mistake, which would have ended the share rather suddenly; and it allows me to tell someone that I've updated a note if it's of relevance to them..
  10. Can't recall seeing OCR used in the context of converting images to text. The phrase Optical Character Recognition does exactly what it says on the can. It can recognise its X's and Y's and allow you to search for and find only the X's if you need to. Evernote has published various pieces which clearly show how it works - https://blog.evernote.com/tech/2013/07/18/how-evernotes-image-recognition-works/ https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2013/10/11/quick-tip-how-to-search-for-text-inside-an-image/ - and none of them mention editable text. As to 'needing to have full OCR' I'm sure it's on a to-do list somewhere. It might take a while...
  11. Hi. There's a thread somewhere here about new software to export notes to PDF files, but I don't know anything about its capabilities. There's also something called "FastPencil" - book-publishing software that imports Evernote notes into a manuscript for publishing. It seems like a possible option for getting multiple notes into a specific format. Other than that you'd have to look to exporting something that another publishing application can use.. FastPencil - https://fp.fastpencil.com/signup_evernote
  12. Hi. It appears something changed - support request required here I think, but first try uninstalling and restart/ reinstalling the app. Make sure you back up any saved files.
  13. Not gonna comment on shopping lists but yes, it can be "so difficult". Basic problem being - do you want to search your secured notes? Still want OCR on the server for documents and pictures? Still want access to notes in (at least) six different primary operating systems? There's no software out there (that I'm aware of) can search an encrypted database, and if your search index is to be used from any device with any OS you need (at least) six different software developments going for an app that can use the same encryption protocols no matter which OS they're running in. There's encryption which does run in different OS's, but that's a lock-it-and-forget approach which doesn't allow for search and OCR along the way.. So it'll cost hundreds of thousands or some millions to code, and you're willing to buy it; that makes about 10 possible customers so far...
  14. Hi. Much requested, various workarounds suggested, but not commented on and not delivered yet. Not known if it is in a pipeline somewhere... sorry.
  15. Hi. AFAIK this is not possible; you can link to notes, but not to headings, or bookmarks. You could set up keywords at various points in a document and jump with searches - but that's not embeddable in a document. You could also use a document type that includes this sort of linkability - Word documents or PDFs for example - and attach that to your note.
  16. Yup. New update, spacing has changed to 1.5 lines, and lots of people hate it and want t go back to single-spaced text...
  17. Hi I clip from a Samsung Note 4 (previously Galaxy S2 & 3) and often find that the note still says "clipping..." when I get to it. I have assumed up to now that it just takes time, so use the URL saved in the note to revisit the page and clip again. If you're finding this a problem I'd suggest you raise a support request to get some more detailed feedback.
  18. If your database has synced to all devices then your only hope (AFAIK) is to have a recent backup that will give you the clue; otherwise you would have to recreate the logic that led you to these notes in the first place - search for keywords, dates or locations - and hope you can reinvent the tagged selection.
  19. Hmmn. I think I've now achieved maximum incomprehension. I'd suggest consulting the official channels. Basic users don't get email support, but if you're Plus or Premium submit a request by choosing the appropriate option in the first dropdown after logging in here > https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action All users can use Twitter @Evernotehelps Premium / Business users also have access to a Chat option (7am-7pm PST weekdays) - click 'continue' on the support page after logging in.
  20. Wow - somewhat odd. If you click in the window and use the cursor keys to arrow left, can you get your left-hand margin back?
  21. Have you tried closing one or both of the left-hand panels to get more note space? It might be helpful if you could set up an example note and send us a screen shot to illustrate the "text won't wrap at the same point earlier." comment.
  22. Hi. If you're wanting to avoid cutting and pasting, you might want to look into Phrase Express - http://www.phraseexpress.com/ - it's a 'text expander' that works like your spellcheck, except instead of autcorrecting "teh" into "the", it'll take a short series of characters and produce something much longer. You set up the connections yourself, so if you typed (forinstance) "beef stew" you could have PE always show the full link to that recipe note. (Now I think of it, I'm not sure whether you could insert an active link so 'beef stew' came up as 'beef stew' - but it's worth investigating...) Or you could add a code to each recipe so AA105 would expand to the link.. Don't know if it's helpful, just sayin'...
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