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Everything posted by flaneige

  1. Unfortunately, I often change the title of my notes ...
  2. Is there a way to know which notes are linked to a specific note ?
  3. Links to local files created in the previous version (non V10) can be opened in V10 after replacing all \ by /
  4. Links created with new version of Evernote can be opened on both versions, new and legacy. But links created with the legacy version still don't open in the new version (Windows)
  5. New links are ok now, but same issue for all existing links How can EN people introduce such incompatibility ?
  6. Reported and not fixed since December 2018. As a result, I have many dead links
  7. Link to a local file no longer works if the path contains a French accentuated character (é, etc) Windows 10 64 bits - version
  8. Have the following line in a .bat file "c:\Program Files\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe" showNotes /q "tag:domain" then, link to this file file:///C:xxxx.bat
  9. +1 I'd like to link to a set of notes from an external program too!
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