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About KakiShibu

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  1. You are mistaken. I wrote that it is not encryption. My suggestion is only for the purpose of making it invisible to others. Or it can be used for the purpose of declaring that it is an item that will never be edited again. It is up to the person to decide how to use it. The drawback of traditional text encryption is that it cannot encrypt images, etc. Consider, for example, saving bank account statements and the like as images in a notebook. If there are contents that you do not want others to see, it is a hassle to blur them out. In such cases, it would be convenient to keep them locked up in a collapsible section. I had hoped that conventional text encryption could be improved to include images, but there may be technical reasons why this is not feasible. Adding a password setting feature in the collapsible section that would keep it collapsed and not expandable should be easy to accomplish as far as programming. On the other hand, it would be nice to have a setting that would prevent sections from being collapsed. This is because it is possible to concentrate on editing only one section, while keeping other sections from accidentally being expanded. You are free to use it however you like. There may or may not be apps out there that can do this, but I doubt it. Therefore, the meaning of realizing it is infinite. Since it is not an encryption, it is possible to search for text. The text within a section is searchable, but what content is written within that section is not visible to others. Isn't that interesting?
  2. With ver 10.80, the collapsible section feature has been added, including images, etc., which is nice. So I thought, (1) It would be useful if it is possible to prevent collapsible sections from being expanded with a password, similar to "Encryption of selected strings". It is not encryption, but only makes it impossible to expand, so the string can be searched. (2) Like the checklist, it would be essential to add a handle to the left end of the heading that can be grabbed so that it can be moved up and down to rearrange the order. I would like to be able to grab the handle, copy the entire heading (including contents), and paste it into another notebook. Currently, you have to expand the heading and then select the whole thing, including the heading, to copy it. This is annoying. (3) It would be nice to have a menu of all collapsible sections expand/collapse. Because it's troublesome to expand/collapse them one by one.
  3. ver10.80で、折畳み可能なセクション機能が追加されて、画像なども含めて、折り畳めるので、いいですね。 そこで思ったのは、 (1)「選択した文字列の暗号化」と同様に、パスワードで、この折畳み可能なセクションを展開できないようにできれば、便利です。 暗号化ではなく、展開できなくするだけなので、検索はできる。 (2) チェックリストのように、見出しの左端につかめるハンドルを付けて、上下に移動して順番を並べ替えられるようにするのは必須ですね。 ハンドルをつかんで、その見出し(中身も含めて)全体をコピーして、別のノートにペーストできるようにして欲しい。 現状は、見出しを展開してから、見出しを含めた全体を選択しないと、コピーできない。これが煩わしい。 (3) すべての折畳み可能なセクションを展開・折り畳む、というメニューもあると良いですね。 1つずつ展開するのが面倒なときがあるものです。
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