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About JSullinger

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  1. I've got thousands of notes in Evernote. Years of data that I've collected. It's frustrating when you pay a company for years, for their services, and have so many notes it's almost impossible to easily move them to someplace else and keep your organization, that they break what some consider a huge feature. Not everyone will consider it important; everyone finds different pieces of Evernote important for their way of capturing things. For me, this makes me a sad panda.
  2. What do you mean "play nice"? They didn't change their hardware or software. It's been the same for years. Evernote broke support, not Samsung or Google. The S Pen "plays nice" with other cross-platform apps, such as OneNote. Evernote made the decision to use Chrome and break an existing feature vs using a different framework/component in order to try and continue supporting a feature some of their customers depend on. It's not fair to blame Google or Samsung for a feature that has not changed in years, and worked in an existing app, yet the existing app chose to use a different tech. As a developer, I understand the desire to make an app that runs cross-platform with as much code sharing as possible. Easier to maintain, faster across-the-board updates for your users etc. that having been said, Chrome is not the only thing out there that could have been used.
  3. You guys made the decision to move to Chrome for your new editor, not Google or Samsung. Crippling a major workflow for users in this fashion and telling people it's up to Google to support it is meh. Google didn't break it, it was your choice. Between this, the new device limits and other annoying issues, it looks like it's time to just move over to OneNote finally. Sigh.
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