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  1. Still waiting for my next step from support. I will try my best to post some notes that might help, when this is complete. I appreciate your help. I had already told support I had given up, then I saw that you tested it and I went back in and stumbled through.
  2. @PinkElephant Just making sure you saw my post that I WAS able to restore my deleted notes, but now I am awaiting further instructions from EN support, because they said to disconnect from the Internet before my restored notes could sync with server and be deleted again.
  3. @PinkElephant Yes, from App Store. Also just realized I have to be connected to the Internet, to export any files with attachments, so that will be an issue, when trying to follow their instructions. You would think if the notes are now in Evernote on my computer, they would sync to my Evernote.com.
  4. This just happened…. I kept reading your note and you said it worked when you tested it. I knew the path was different, so I just put the support instructions away and fumbled my way through. So current status, as of about 5 minutes ago…. I have my notes back! I somehow got the TM file in the proper place and my notes, all 9,953 appeared, but then I knew I had to disconnect from the Internet so my local data would not sync, which they said would delete them again. Evernote said to export my notes, then sync, then import them back. That will take forever, which I am HAPPY to do, but I am waiting for clarification. I just feel maybe there is a faster way.
  5. I have sent a screenshot via email. We are trading emails about how to recover, which is laborious. Although it pains me to admit.... I am not a programmer and I am more of a log-into-my-computer-and-do-it-for-me type. Apparently, that is not an option. Not sure if this will be helpful to anyone, but the pathname to the files I was looking for, as given to me by Evernote are as follows: If you downloaded Evernote from their website: ~/Library/Application Support/Evernote If you downloaded Evernote from the App Store: ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/Application Support/Evernote
  6. Thanks again for your help. I did end up submitting a support ticket to Evernote and they have been very responsive, giving me detailed instructions on how to restore the deleted notes from my backup. Unfortunately, I still have not been able to recover them. Even with the instructions, somehow what they tell me to do and what actually shows up on my screen are different.
  7. Interesting about the hidden files. Still not finding Evernote.
  8. Thanks so much for your prompt reply, but when I follow that path.... there is no "Evernote".
  9. I need to recover some notes that were deleted. I have a time machine backup and am looking for where my notes were stored in the backup, in order to retrieve them. Not sure where the notes (files) are located. Can someone please tell me the filename, in order to restore the notes that were deleted?
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