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About timbatt

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  1. I tried jefito's ENScript, changed the tag to something in my list, but nothing happens when I click the link. Evernote is editing the link to: file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Evernote/Evernote/ENScript.exe%22%20showNotes%20/q%20%22tag:Domains I have verified the directory is correct for my system and in fact, if I remove everything after ENScript.exe, Evernote will try to execute the file... just having trouble sending the options to it. Any thoughts?
  2. +1 I would use (and need) this for dynamic outlining. The outline is an indented list of hyperlinks based on searches. Yes, tagging gives similar functionality, but I want to execute the search from within a note, not the Toolbar or the Tag list. I would like to have an outline within a note with my comments and images to use as a Dashboard. Search hyperlinking (like note hyperlinking) would work on mobile and desktop. I'm aware you can drag and drop a search on the Toolbar, but I need it within a note and to also work on mobile... thanks.
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