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  1. I've had some success in fixing this by signing out of the mac client and when prompted, selecting 'remove data from device'. Then signing back in again it seems to have started syncing again.... 🤞
  2. I'm also experiencing this issue, using the Mac app v10.1.7. In addition, it does not sync anymore.
  3. Hey everyone, I couldn't get the script here to work, so decided to write a new one. I followed this very useful tutorial here to get started https://macmost.com/export-all-of-the-notes-on-your-mac-using-a-script.html The difference is, my script will let you choose which folder in Notes that you want to export (you can multi select) then it will create it as a Notebook in Evernote. This works on macOS Catalina 10.15.6. Follow the steps in the link above but use this code instead. Enjoy // set things up var app = Application.currentApplication(); app.includeStandardAdditions = true; var notesApp = Application('Notes'); notesApp.includeStandardAdditions = true; var enApp = Application('Evernote'); enApp.includeStandardAdditions = true; // choose which notes //var notes = notesApp.folders; var folders = notesApp.accounts.byName('iCloud').folders; var whichFolders = app.chooseFromList(folders.name(), { withPrompt: "Which Folders?", multipleSelectionsAllowed: true }); if (whichFolders) { // loop through all folders for(var i=0; i<folders.length; i++) { // is this folder one to be exported? if (whichFolders.indexOf(folders[i].name()) > -1) { var foldername = folders[i].name(); var notebook = enApp.createNotebook(foldername); // get notes in the folder var notes = folders[i].notes; for(var j=0; j<notes.length; j++) { var name = notes[j].name(); var html = notes[j].body(); var creationDate = notes[j].creationDate(); var modificationDate = notes[j].modificationDate(); var enNote = enApp.createNote({ title: name, withHtml:html, created: creationDate, notebook: notebook}); enNote.modificationDate = modificationDate; } } } }
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