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Everything posted by ZokiPoprocks

  1. This is very frustrating. I hope they do something about it in the next update. Clearly it’s causing people to not want to use the tool after all, and these people are looking for other apps to use instead. It’s a very good feature but not worth losing your work. Nothing is ThAT worth it... Tried just about every other free handwriting tool on the IOS store and I still prefer the one in Evernote but again, it’s just not worth the risk of losing all of what you just did because, for example, you have a video playing in the background that suddenly grabs your attention for a minute, or because someone suddenly came up to you needing your attention. Not only are these completely normal situations, to be expected really, but also, this is an app often used to help people manage their ADD/ADHD. It helps to create continuous structure in an otherwise unfocused individual and I have seen Evernote recommended for this throughout the web. I myself rely on this to remember things every day and stick to a plan. If people with focus related challenges are just expected to 'keep saving their work just in case', it kind of goes against the idea. If managing ADHD/distractions was that easy, there would be no need to use Evernote as a helpful tool to help manage this common human difficulty. (R.I.P. Dozens of unsaved notes this week. Would have been useful, but can’t even remember it all...)
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