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Posts posted by Hynnie17

  1. 1 minute ago, Mike P said:

    The standard answer is to update the style to your preferred settings and then save the note as a template. Then whenever you create a new note use your template. Unfortunately, since a recent update, the styles are automatically reset to default. The same happens if you copy of duplicate a note.

    Ok, will give that a shot, not ideal but will work with it, cheers

  2. 3 minutes ago, Mike P said:

    This was certainly a feature in the legacy versions. The best option now is to include coloured emojis. These can even be a representation of the subject of the tag


    If you use the advanced search syntax alot it might be better to put the emoji at the end of the tag so you can just search for 


    rather than having to find the emoji.

    Great idea! Thank you

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