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Lord Lillis

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Everything posted by Lord Lillis

  1. I'm curious how you installed Evernote since Electron itself was available for Apple Silicon at launch. Did you install from the App Store, download from the website or migrate from an old machine?
  2. I have a situation where I want to log events to a predefined note in Evernote. When I create the straightforward example the result looks like: calshow:597514937 This is a classic case of “Artificial Stupidity”: Siri has given me the answer I asked for but not the answer I want. “calshow:” is a non-specific reference to a calendar app and “597514937” is the number of seconds since Jan 1, 2001. So, Siri has dutifully printed a reference to now that is universally understood in iOS and completely meaningless to a human being. The fix introduces an extra step. We create a variable “Clop” containing the Current Date. We then use the Evernote “Append” command. This coerces the variable into text and we get a result a dumb human can read “12/20/19 08:23”. The formatting can be changed clicking on the “Renamed Item” and specifying it there. So the total shortcut looks like: With “Renamed Item” formatted as: I have found this useful when taking pictures. I can dictate a caption and match the time stamp when I get back to my desk. “Hey Siri, here’s a caption” and I’m good to go.
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