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Posts posted by dberreby

  1. I don't use notebooks to organize my Evernote notes, since a fair number of notes apply to more than one subject and I don't like thinking about how to file a note as I am clipping it or writing it. Instead, I tag everything.

    However, some integrations depend on notebooks (for example, "Import Notes from Evernote" in Devonthink wants to know what Notebook to import). So I'd like to have note that has a given tag placed automatically into an "Export to DT" notebook.

    I see it's possible to do this in the other direction -- to automatically tag a note if it is put into a particular notebook. I want to reverse that -- tagging first and counting on EN to put the note in a designated notebook. Is this possible?


    PS I realize I could just create an auto-tagging notebook for this one tag, but that isn't what I want to do. It would create an exception to how I work with notes and thus cause extra effort and trouble.

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