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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. In addition to GM's comments the voter mechanism (warts and all) is relatively new and doesn't capture or reflect the years of prior requests.
  2. Well ... another explanation is that you are doing something wrong. I'm not a big user of shared notes or notebooks but when I've tried it has worked fine. There are many here that manage a second account that way, so sharing does work. If this is more than just a vent and you truly want some help, provide more details on specifically what you are doing and I'm sure someone will be glad to offer assistance.
  3. After viewing the current season of House of Cards and OITNB ... meh ... I'm in agreement.
  4. FWIW, in my experience of the industry, this isn't exactly how it works. It is the product managers and marketing team's role to determine the product direction, what is needed, what will sell ... etc. The engineering team (programmers, architects ..), are the implementers. Yes, they influence the product and help nudge it in a certain direction but it is their job to deliver the vision that is set. When done well you have a product that meets the company's objectives, customer needs and is profitable. When done poorly you get Work Chat and the product manager goes off looking for a new job.
  5. That's for sure . I would start with the keyword "movie" and go from there . I don't have the discipline to pull that level of tagging off for the long term, but I do admire those that use very structured tagging methods. It is always interesting to me to see how others use the service.
  6. @Shan McDonell Ok, moved. Click the counter in the title to vote up.
  7. Not me but what platform are you on so this can be moved to the appropriate product feedback forum where other users can vote this up if desired?
  8. and the slow down in performance that would occur. I echo this concern as well since there are already concerns with how Evernote will scale over time with increasing databases. Not remembering the exact words has happened to me as well and when I do eventually find the note I just add the first couple of keywords that I first tried to the title so that next time I'll find it quicker. I could probably avoid this even more with more careful tagging but it happens so seldom and finding the forgotten note never takes that long, that, at least for me, the keyword approach is the way to go.
  9. @Dave-in-Decatur That is what I've noticed as well, beginning word partials seems to work AFAIK ok. I leave off the trailing asterisk, it doesn't seem to matter. I did some additional testing after posting the response above and interestingly if I search for some characters within a word without the asterisk it would sometimes work, but appears to be very inconsistent and incomplete.
  10. Aside from missing this feature, searching in EN is actually pretty good and you should hopefully not have to export your notes to search them. Can you provide an example of this and maybe we can offer some suggestions or work arounds.
  11. I have not found search for these longer notes to be much of an issue. A few times I have needed to use Ctrl F but I can usually scan the note pretty quick to find what I need. Notes do not need to be that long for this to be a useful feature. My main use case is for a development meeting that I run. I have one note per meeting that is projected to a group. It would be impractical, even with note links, to break this into smaller notes. Each note includes the history of the prior meetings and each entry is date coded. I would use this feature to collapse all sections of the note that do not pertain to the current meeting. It would allow us to better focus on what is most important that meeting. I would also use it in other notes to temporarily hide information that may not be of primary importance. Again, a way to focus on the main points. Workflowy is a great tool. I've used it as well but would still prefer to see the function built into Evernote. At least into the desktop clients. This post describes it better than I just did.
  12. Others, including me, agree. FWIW you can vote on the feature request here.
  13. Thanks for posting this. I never share notes so I tried this expecting no hits and found three notes. No idea how or why they were shared and I agree that the step to first enable public link and then disable is completely unintuitive.
  14. I find the auto-populate feature useful but I can see how it's of little use if there are links within a note, but if you are pasting links into a note does it matter what shows in the URL field? The field seems redundant to me at that point. Just trying to understand your use case.
  15. For the longest time I gnashed my teeth over the lack of recurring reminders and even used Todoist for quite a while. I did not like having my todos separate from Evernote so came back and gave reminders another try. For my use, I do not need to record the completed date of a recurring reminder so when I complete a reminder I just reset the date for the next time it is due. To help me remember this is a recurring reminder I put a note in the body like "repeats weekly" or "repeats monthly" and with the new tag color coding I have a recurring tag set to green so I have a color reminder as well. I also have an urgent tag set to red that I add to important reminders. I have saved searches for Work Today, Work Tomorrow and Work Next Week that will give me those views and the color coding helps to quickly locate the urgent ones and those that repeat. With these changes, reminders are now working very well for my use. I no longer miss the lack of a recurring function.
  16. I found the older post that I was thinking of. I stand corrected, the upgrade path is no longer supported by Evernote customer support, but here are the details. Use at your own risk and please backup your data first before trying. EverNote v2.3: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12760413/EverNote2.zip-- this is a patched executable which can coexist with modern versions of Evernote. Evernote 3.1: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12760413/Evernote_3.1.0.1225.exe-- this is the last Evernote version that could import EverNote 2.x databases. EN2Export: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12760413/EN2Export.zip-- stand alone utility that converts EverNote 2.x databases (.enb) to modern EverNote database (.exb). Currently it converts HTML notes only, all other EN2 note types are skipped. I may add support for other formats if someone needs it.
  17. I'm pretty sure upgrading to the current version is possible but there is one (maybe two) intermediary installations required due to database changes along the way. Contact customer support and they should be able to provide you the details and earlier version(s) first needed.
  18. It would be very, very nice if Evernote would add this ability. For web clippings especially I would say 9 out of 10 times the algorithm grabs a different image than I want so I don't find them very meaningful. I do like them for some notes so I still mostly use snippet view but the view would be much more useful if we could select the image displayed.
  19. I think that would work. First you would create the new account, then delete the newaccountname.exb file that was created. Copy in your backup .exb file and then change that file name to newaccountname.exb. I haven't tried it but it seems like it should work. Would be an interesting test.
  20. I've used CutePDF and PDF-XChange. Going from memory, I don't think CutePDF (free version) allows encryption. PDF-XChange does ... at least the versions I've used.
  21. Minor point - I don't believe this is built into EN Windows, like it is for EN Mac. You can do it in EN Windows but you must first have installed a pdf print driver.
  22. Restoring a single note does take a few steps but is really not that difficult. Fortunately, I've only needed to do that once. I have had to replace a bad HDD a couple of times and have moved the database over to a new laptop a few other times and have found moving the .exb file painless. I'm not following your comment below. Tags, notebooks and stacks moved over just fine, as I recall. I haven't had to do this recently. I don't know if tag hierachies are maintained since I don't use those.
  23. As a Windows user I just back up the .exb. Everything, including local notebooks, is included.
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