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Don Dz

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Everything posted by Don Dz

  1. To get a more realistic sense of how long it would take, have a large number of files of different types spread through multiple Windows folders (text, office, pdf, zip, etc), then disable Windows indexing service, then try a word search inside of files across subfolders. It may take between 3 to 15 minutes (maybe a little less with SSD), acceptable for occasional searches, painful for daily use (based on actual experience when I discovered Windows indexing was disabled).
  2. Thanks for the new dark theme, it's about time! One issue though, in normal mode, there is only one shade of white background, plus the slight tint when a note is selected on the note list. But in dark theme, there are three shades of dark grey, including the note selection background, which is far too light. I am requesting that the note selection be the same as the current note color, and that the note background and note list background be totally black, there is no reason for multiple shades of grey, especially lighter grey. I guess you guys already know about the areas still white, such as the keyboard and the "Tap location" box.
  3. Still waiting for support, in the mean time, in case anyone else has observed this behavior, I am attaching some of the pics I sent to support, to show the issues, comparing with a normal Android screen.
  4. On my newer Nexus phone (Android 7.1.1) and my older Dell Venue 8 tablet (Android 4.5), if you open a note, then tap on the 3 dot menu, you normally get the following menu: Search in note Copy internal link Duplicate Save as template Add to shortcuts Add to home screen Simplify formatting (Go to source) Context Settings Statistics Delete note In my newest Onyx Boox Note tablet with an e-ink screen (Android 6), I get only the following: Add to home screen Add to shortcuts Share note (Go to source) Context Delete Settings I was really looking forwards to using my Boox Note for heavy editing because of the e-ink screen, but too many missing menu items makes this impractical, at the very least I need Copy internal link to be visible inside the note menu (using the Select note menu seems more convoluted, though it works). Also, in the Select Note menu, "Tag" is missing in the Boox Note, and when you select a note, it adds a menu item missing from the other devices: "Send log with Note". The two newer devices show Evernote version 8.5.1, yet the behavior is different as above.
  5. Windows has several tag views, none of them sort just yet, but I checked Android, and note count tag sort is present, cool, was not aware, thanks.
  6. Great tip for deleting empty tags, what about if I just want to list them?
  7. My standard sort is by Updated, but for certain notebooks is Creation date, others that can be used are Title and reminder date, etc. You can save each separate view in the Windows version at least.
  8. I understand. The state of programs on the System Tray and their reaction or lack thereof to hotkeys isn't always very clear. In any case, might as well just press Win-Shift-F than to muck with it too much, or reduce the script to pressing that after pressing F2. Besides I am not yet familiar with the AHK Else statement.
  9. I found that it works if EN is open in a background window, but not if it is in the system tray only. Is that how it is intended to work?
  10. I was curious about this one, copied and pasted it as is, no response, changed the hotkey, no response. I wonder if something changed in either EN or AHK. I did check for conflicting hotkeys within AHK, though even a conflict should have produced some kind of action or fireworks. Although nowhere near expert level, I have many working hotkeys, so I am reasonably confident I know how to use AHK with EN.
  11. Well, I have it on Android 4.4.2, but I found a note saying that it requires Android 5 as a minimum. You can download older versions of Android here: https://www.androidapksfree.com/devapk/evernote-corporation/evernote/
  12. Hmm, I don't know, on that site Trello, Workflowy and Google Keep are rated higher than Evernote. Supposedly Trello is ranked 1st, but I don't buy it. I have not yet located a post of people leaving for Trello, but I have seen a few of people leaving for Workflowy.
  13. The Android Evernote widget can do that and a lot more, would be nice if it was implemented in other platforms. Unfortunately the similar looking version for iOS is nearly useless in my view, probably security issues imposed by Apple, etc.
  14. I found this on a search: https://www.androidapksfree.com/apk/evernote-8-1-1081353-apk-download/ You would have to side load it.
  15. I uninstalled and reinstalled just now from the play store on Boox Note and my cel phone, still says 8.1. If you have never been on the beta program, I don't know another explanation.
  16. I am not seeing the 8.2 version, do you mean a beta? I would recommend avoiding Android betas, too hard to get rid of when there is a problem, unlike Windows betas, because the Android beta replaces the regular version on the Google market, or at least it did last time I tried the Android beta program.
  17. That might be why I cannot get it to work in Windows either, at least not the example at https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_summary
  18. Exporting from Evernote and importing into onenote worked just fine for me as of this date, but using Onenote on Windows, Android, and iOS was not an enjoyable experience, so I gave it up. For me speed is everything, and only Evernote is fast enough.
  19. Just got the new Boox Note ereader this weekend, it is quite an interesting experience so far, Evernote actually runs reasonably well in it, keeping in mind the slowness of every eink screen, yet the device is relatively fast for an eink. But I am finding I miss the desktop functionality with it, yet it serves the intended purpose of saving my eyes since the screen is not back lit, that it does pretty well. It also works well with a bluetooth keyboard, in fact it is much easier to use with it than with the touch screen. Input without an external keyboard is not so good, though I never did do much typing in touch screens anyway.
  20. InfoSelect for Windows is an old tool from back in the day, still available, single platform and not as versatile in terms of graphics or multimedia as Evernote, but it had the best search of any program in my recollection, plus it doesn't have the indexed search limitations of Evernote, if I remember correctly.
  21. Currently the only somewhat reasonable substitute I find to be an intelligent use of files together with Windows Explorer, plus a few Autohotkey scripts. I have been surprised how fast Explorer can be, especially if you know how to set the indexing service correctly, search is nearly instantaneous (on my fast Windows computer anyways). Theoretically one could sync with Dropbox to other devices. The only issue I would not be satisfied about is note (file) linking, I heavily depend on linking, and while html can handle file linking just fine, creating it and maintaining could be a bit burdensome, though browser bookmarks exports could help with this. One advantage (or disadvantage depending on how you look at it) is that the responsibility for file protection against corruption is yours. This limits the extent of any damage, but makes it very hard to detect hidden problems. While this system would probably work best with text files, it can work with any file supported by Explorer (text, PDF, Office, etc), that is, as far as file content, Explorer can of course find any file name.
  22. Nimbus looks like an immature Evernote, and somewhat buggy, as noticed when trying to paste links and text, plus note links take you only to a browser, so not within the program itself. I look forwards to seeing the competition grow some more.
  23. In Evernote a link can be added directly to an emoji via the right click hyperlink menu (I just tested it and it works), if the other program supports emojis and hyperlinks, the same approach should work in theory.
  24. The small fortune might the worth it the first time, but each upgrade is nearly as expensive. I have an earlier version which I like, but the upgrades I find prohibitively expensive and they are usually just incremental.
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