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Don Dz

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Everything posted by Don Dz

  1. That works, but a checkbox is not entered on the next line as previously.
  2. That doesn't remove the indent from previous lines, and it removes the checkbox entirely from the current line. Doesn't do anything on my Win 10 computer in EN v. 10.2.4. That's what I was doing in the first place, and it doesn't work either, if I add a number of lines with text, manually add checkboxes to each line, then press enter, the whole thing gets indented. Unless you mean adding it at the end of the line, which doesn't make sense to me personally. It's a bug because there are two separate features forced to behave as one, and besides in the legacy version pressing enter created a checkboxed line with no indent. No idea what the iOS version in a third party explainer would have to do with it . . .
  3. I like and use bulleted and numbered lists, but i really wish I could have the option of no indent at all. Sometimes I create lists with the bullet character to avoid indenting. With numbered lists entering numbers manually is too much trouble.
  4. There is a new feature called the checklist, apparently it is just an indented list with checkboxes. Not sure I care for it myself. The problem is that if I try to add a plain checkbox to a note, then press enter, it automatically becomes a checklist. Since they are presented as separate features, I am assuming this is a bug.
  5. It would be convenient to have the tags for my shared notes displayed separately from my own tags (or better yet, hidden), so that my tag list is less messy since shared tags apparently cannot be manually stacked. An automatic "shared" stack would work, although I would prefer to be able to manually move it to a sub-stack rather than leave it as a main one. Not sure if this has been requested for the new version, probably someone mentioned at some point for the old version.
  6. The second option works for me, but it seems to me like in some way the title is being treated as part of the body, more than a simple copy of the first line. On that basis, I am simply suggesting to get rid of the problem entirely. I have seen the first line used as the title in some other programs, in a way that it isn't editable in the title at all, it simply reflects the first line at all times. Of course, this suggestion probably reflects an imperfect understanding of how the title is being treated in the new version. I have modified the topic somewhat to clarify my intent.
  7. I noticed that the title behaves in some ways like a part of the body of the note in that you can navigate between the two with cursor keys or return key, and that it scrolls up like part of the note. And yet in a new note the cursor is placed in the note body instead of the title, which causes an automatic 'Untitled" on every new note. Since the behavior of the title seems significantly different from before, I am suggesting that EN programmers treat it like a simple display field (non editable) rather than a separate edit field, so that end users don't have to worry anymore about what to do with the title.
  8. I would consider this a bug, not a feature request, since the title is not exactly as separate a field as in the past, it is weirdly together in that you can navigate to the body of the note and back with just cursor keys or the hard return key, yet separate so that it doesn't recognize the top first line as the title.
  9. If you mean the search for tags feature, that's the one I consider useless if I only want the parent tag and not the child tags.
  10. An option is indeed need it. I think the forced hierarchy is probably related to the fact that selecting all child tags is the unchangeable default. For me at least, seeing tags other than the ones I wish to see is useless, specially with a large number of nested child tags.
  11. If I understand correctly what you are asking, links still require two clicks instead of just one as in the legacy version. I have revised my post to clarify this point.
  12. On the 10.2 release notes, I found this: Coming soon: Dragging and dropping note links directly into your note Do we get drag and drop of note links before the notes links are even working correctly? Just wondering. Since this is the feature request forum, here is the request: please give us back one click note links before the drag and drop feature! (not intended as a duplicate on the note links discussion, just wondering about this release note, makes no sense to me).
  13. The title of each note is also lost, not so with export from legacy version.
  14. I have noticed you can edit encrypted content if you decrypt permanently first, then encrypt again when you are finished. Hopefully this is not by design.
  15. Since others say they can reproduce it, it must be so, but in my testing, phrase search works as intended, Windows ToC gives different results than "Windows ToC" (exact phrase), a few other combinations gave me the same results. We know the program is buggy, but could it be the version? I am currently using 10.1.7 Though I must admit, I do most editing in the legacy version, using v. 10 mostly for browsing and testing, until I am confident v. 10 won't break my data, so that might be why I have not seen this.
  16. It seems the "Check for Local Notebooks" tool mentioned on that link didn't make it to the version 10 release, not found in tools at least.
  17. I have encountered this problem long before version 10, in formatted information copied from the web (so probably containing HTML code), and yes, the notes were on the large side. This led me to greatly curtail copying large amounts of fully formatted information from the internet, and instead copy plain text, or use the simplify clip option, otherwise EN would sometimes misbehave on me. I tend to suspect the HTML code more than EN.
  18. In EN v.10, Tools-Preferences, "Save Data at Log Out" needs to be checked. If that's not the issue, then, did you make hidden folders visible in File Explorer? "appdata" is normally hidden by Windows, you would have to make it visible in File Explorer, View-Options. Not sure what else to suggest.
  19. I see it too, and I am seeing a message to that effect. Similar things sometimes happen with no warning or explanation, the fact there is a polite warning message leads me to think it is by design, in which case you might want to post a request for this not to happen.
  20. Correct. From https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote "There will be no future updates or bug fixes in older versions of Evernote, including Evernote Legacy. If you are having trouble with this app, our Support team may recommend that you update Evernote to the newest version."
  21. I forget exactly where I read it, but version 6.25 will no longer be updated (hence the "legacy label"), they are focusing on the new version 10. I am under the impression some old timers in the forums have been through this before, totally revamped program and editor, etc.
  22. I think it would be simpler to use a script program like autohotkey or similar, but if you must use ENScript, just copy the following 4 files from the legacy version: encrashrep.dll ENFatInk.dll libsqlite.dll libpcre.dll ENScript.exe I found it will run, but no guarantees, etc.
  23. I am glad they have acknowledged the problem, but why is this topic labeled "answered"? Unless I misunderstood something, that seems like a change in the way I observed the word being used in the past: that a solution has been posted , or that the problem is fixed with a new update.
  24. Yes, I did that, had the issues mentioned. I removed version 10 and installed version 6.25.2, then decided to reinstall version 10. 6.25.2 still got removed. At the time I posted this, I was thinking to uninstall version 10 periodically, because I found the bugs intolerable for regular use. Eventually I decided to run both for the time being (as long as I don't lose data).
  25. If the lost content was created under version 10, I'd suggest a support ticket. If earlier, you could try installing the legacy version, then try some of the Ctrl-Help utilities (best done under guidance from EN support, but I do this once in a while, particularly 'Fix selected notes' and 'Optimize Database'). Standard disclaimer: doing this can cause you to lose some or all data, so back it up first, and maybe search the forums for more information (although I simply learned by trial and error). Before trying the above, you should probably do the following first: on the sort fields (legacy version), make the Sync field visible, then sort by Sync, you should be able to see which notes are not on the cloud yet (the ones with dots on that field).
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