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About daveb

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  1. I just rewrote the content for May 24th, and it failed to save a second time while I was also viewing the not on the web. This is really discouraging. I've been using Evernote since 2008 and have never experienced data loss like this! I just learned that there is a "Switch to new Evernote" option that I was not aware of. Now I can view and edit tasks, a feature that I had seen working previously. I am still concerned about the loss of content.
  2. I edited an existing note using the Windows app and added an entry for today's date, followed by a to-do at the top of the note. When I returned to the note, the entry for today's date was missing; however, the date label remained. Also, the task was missing, although I could see an untitled task started in the Windows app. Upon viewing the same note in Evernote web, I see a notice indicating "Content not supported" where the task should have been displayed. What happened to my task? Since the introduction of multi-edit notes, I have seen several unexplained instances where small amounts of recently added content have disappeared. Can I turn off this feature? I have no need for it.
  3. I am seeing this problem as well. Edits to some of my notes are not being saved. It started happening when multi-editing was released. I keep hoping it was a one-off, but I've noticed it a couple of times now.
  4. @Austin G my experience is different from that of @PinkElephant. Using @joseluisl PDF document (above) illustrates the problem I am experiencing. Evernote 10 for Windows and Web will not return the document in the search results. Start by trying to find the work "Bayesian." Next, search for "prior." The document should be returned by both searches; it is not. Interesting, a Find within Note will find the word "prior" but will not find the word "Bayesian." Thanks in advance for your help.
  5. I have also confirmed that the first letter search is working, but once I attempt to search for two or more consecutive letters, Evernote 10 Windows and Web do not return any PDF documents that I have scanned after December of 2018. Note that the legacy version of Evernote for Windows is still working as expected. To confirm, has there been any changes to the level of service required for searching PDFs created and OCR'd with a ScanSnap scanner? I have a Plus subscription.
  6. I am scanning with SnapScan to Evernote as searchable PDFs. Evernote 10 for Windows is not returning any of my new scans during searches. I have reinstalled 6.25, and that version continues to work as expected. The legacy version will also return the new scans in its search result. Strangely, Evernote 10 will return matching historical PDF files during a search. I agree that PDF searching is critical, and this problem is a show stopper for me.
  7. +1 Yes, Grammarly integration would be huge!
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