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Tony L

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Everything posted by Tony L

  1. I’ve tried to love tasks but am going back to Microsoft todo. For me tasks is missing 2 basic features. first is the ability to bulk delete all completed tasks, even at note level would be useful. Global would be even better. I have been trying to use it as a general todo list. That means I brain dump everything I want to accomplish that day and tick them off as I go. that is hundreds of tasks per week. here is the problem. When I brain dump I may enter 20 tasks at a time. if I do that on the main task view then each time I hit enter I then have to click back to add new task. In ms todo I can just type, enter, type enter and keep adding, so much more efficient. That is the 2nd thing that is missing. back to the first. If I go into the actual note I can bulk add tasks as I’ve described but if it’s littered with hundreds of completed tasks it’s a mess. becasue of the lack of bulk delete it takes a lot of time to delete them. ive tried to love it. I upgraded my subscription to have access to it which was a mistake as i was locked into a price deal. so nice idea guys but doesn’t work for me so back to Microsoft todo.
  2. I'm confused whether tasks is supported on 8.13.3 I am a personal user and so have tasks on my PC and Ipad. When I google for an answer I get conflicting answers. Anyone know for sure if I should be seeing tasks on my Android or not? There is nothing in the side bar and if I go to a note that has tasks it says this feature is not available on this version.
  3. Well structured note titles are essential for good searching. However for people like myself with poor spelling it's a nightmare. The workaround is to type the title in the body of the note and then copy/paste but it would be really useful to have the title automatically spellchecked.
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