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Everything posted by dcon

  1. I think the issue is that the Windows Store offers EN when in S mode. I remember a thread a while back where EN acknowledged v10 doesn't work right. (I thought I saw a post saying it was resolved, but - what were we talking about again?) v6 does not work in S mode. As far as I know, no "centennial" apps do (the whole security issue).
  2. That's by design. So it can continue syncing in the background. V6 did that too - you had to do a File->Exit to really close (unless Sync-In-Background was turned off, then the 'X' would close EN). I don't run v10, so I don't know if the same thing works in v10.
  3. ... and do not install both the AppStore and direct download (v10) versions. (You can install the AppStore and v6 direct download)
  4. Legacy didn't allow customizing the non-global shortcuts either. However, they should only be active when the application has focus so they shouldn't affect other applications. (Note, I don't run v10 so I can't check)
  5. Another thought - wherever the OP was getting that has somebody who is man-in-the-middling. ISPs (and companies) are known to do that. Though they usually wouldn't have untrusty sources.
  6. (waves hand) I was looking into at least making more things respond to the current dark "theme" that's there now. Talk about spiraling down a rabbit hole... I remember the list control (the one with columns) gave me particular issues that I never resolved. Had to go back to fixing existing bugs about that time.
  7. I believe Plus gives you access to note history. (or is that a premium feature - I honestly don't remember...)
  8. Thought of another choice: leave v6 alone and install the Store version of v10. Because it's a store app, it shouldn't affect your v6 install at all. (Caveat: I have not tried this.)
  9. LOL. Usually because they can't reproduce them! Can't tell you how many times (at every company I've worked for) I've tried to fix things like that.
  10. Sounds like you're using more than 2 devices. Log in via the web and revoke access to the unused devices. (Free users are limited to 2 devices. In the past, the webbrowser wasn't counted. It is now.)
  11. This one is too. But what we (users) consider critical can easily be different from what the company does. And often there simply is no good response to some the of criticisms, so they refrain. (Yes, I know from personal experience - I worked there for 6 years. Some of us were a little more willing to post here than others.)
  12. I will say, during the 6 years I worked on the Windows platform, a lock feature was never even discussed internally. All I'll say to that is "Thank $deity!" I really wouldn't have wanted to implement an entire security system within that code. (Do you know how easy it is to get security completely wrong? **shudder**!)
  13. I'm actually surprised Plus is still a thing. I could have sworn it was being deprecated when I left 1.5y ago... Guess they haven't forced the conversion of existing Plus users yet...
  14. Wait. Wat??? It should be: if it don't work 5th time I use a bigger hammer...
  15. Sounds like v10 supports overwrite/insert mode. Every program (Visual Studio being the main one) I've used that supports that uses Insert to toggle between the modes. (No idea if that will work as I still use v6)
  16. Actually, they're saints. All customer service is - they have to be! They're the ones literally between the rock (the managers that made that decision and the developers who had to implement it) and the hard place (the users).
  17. Something to be aware of - as far an EN is concerned, "name+tag@address" and "name@address" are 2 completely different accounts. (As an ex-evernote employee, that was a great way to create a bunch of test accounts)
  18. It sounds like somehow the size of the window was made larger than the screen. I don't run v10 (you can take v6 from my cold dead keyboard!) so I don't know if this will work - press alt+spacebar (brings up system menu), use arrows keys the select 'Move' (press return), press any arrow key (to start the move), then use the mouse to get the caption visible. You should be able to resize it then. This should work with any windows program - unless the program is doing something truly funky. This even works when a program thinks it is located a million miles off-screen. (I used to have to do that regularly with Firefox many years ago)
  19. Not 'may'. 'Will'. I forget the limit, but I believe import limits to somewhere between 1 and 2 GB. Because of how the parsing is done, everything has to be read into memory first.
  20. This is entirely expected when you use CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework). (Dear Lord, Please let me never have to deal with CEF in my career again...)
  21. Well, yeah, if you completely rewrite export/import then anything can be done! Even just adding the note's GUID to the export is not sufficient - because the current export has no notebook information. If you modified the import procedure to allow selecting multiple enexs and assigning each to a notebook on import, then you could reconstruct the graph. That's not an insignificant task. (Yes, I've worked on that code in the past - v6, never worked on v10 before I left)
  22. Except for one very important fact. When you import an enex back into Evernote, it is created as a new note. So that old GUID is basically useless. Ok, you could keep a complete history of every GUID a note has had. But now when you import that, do you want to link to the old (possibly existing note)? Or to the note that's in the enex that you're going to import in a couple minutes? Clairvoyance is hard! And, no, importing a note back in with the same idea would be a very bad idea. What happens if that old note exists? What happens if you're offline and that note does not exist locally but does exist on the server? As you can see, it's not a simple issue. (BTW: Note GUIDs are assigned by the server - never by the local app - even when you're offline.)
  23. Not sure I would call it "integrated" It's just a command line program that is installed (to the same directory EN is) when you install v6.
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