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Oliver F.

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Posts posted by Oliver F.

  1. On 11/3/2021 at 9:26 PM, PinkElephant said:

    Well, there were several requests to return the legacy-feature of multiple tabs to v10. Not exactly the same. But I think in general there is a solid use case of researching in several notes and writing it up in another.

    The „Open Note in a new Window“ is only a pale alternative to this.

    With an good software architectur for the desktop client this shoudn't be difficult to achieve. The patters for this exists for many decades and are supported by every larger framework.

    Besides this, I currently have 4 windows open, three on my Evernode Desktop  and one on  my second monitor.

  2. On 11/3/2021 at 9:14 PM, agsteele said:

    I think you should expect the answer to be, 'No'. Many applications do not support multiple instances. You should continue to use the Legacy application whilst you make plans for adjusting your workflow.

    I totally disagree. My workflow is driven by my job as independent consultant working with different clients.

    And therefore I need the tools and I pay for tools which help me to do my. Otherwise I would expect to be payed by the tool vendors for doing the things in their way.

  3. Well, I am not happy with the new version of EN. I tried out EN 10 10.9 and it looks nice but what I missed was the ability to have multiple EN windows. I usually have two or three windows open. Each with an different notebook. I think this funtionality, which is very important for me, is gone with EN 10 or will it be back in one of the later versions?

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