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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. EN has no option to pick cloud storage. It always and exclusively uses the EN server. Basically your notes are already stored in 2 versions, one for legacy, one for v10. You don’t see this, it will deliver the data format used by the client that sends the request. On the 23rd of March they will simply cut the access to the old data format. The access to the same data (just formatted for v10) will continue using the modern clients. The only precaution you need to take is if you have any local notebooks. These notebooks are setup to never sync with the server. v10 has no local notebooks. If you have any, this needs to be solved before the 23rd of March. If not, you simply install the v10 client, log in, and your data is already there.
  2. Legacy was cloud based as well. Or what do you think this Sync button was meant to do ?
  3. The logic behind this is hard to understand. The difference between rebated and not rebated is less than a coffee to go per month. Do you really change app you use for your personal efficiency based on getting a rebate or not ? I see this as the wrong priorities. If you use it, the regular price is ok. If not, everything is too much.
  4. You don’t log out. You simply quit the app. That way the login is stored.
  5. If you have the installer, you can always reinstall. But you need to do it NOW, because you need to be logged in to access your data. First sync legacy, then quit the app and make a copy of the EN database folder. Rename it (like putting an .OLD at the end). Then install v10. Follow the instructions. After you have v10 running, log in, check that it works and is syncing your notes. Leave it open for a little to allow the initial download, then quit it again. Now install legacy using the installer. Open, log in. You can wait until it has downloaded a fresh copy. It is important you stay logged in ! Even when closing it, never ever log out. After the database is recreated (the copy you made before could serve as a backup), you use the Firewall to cut the legacy client off from the server. Set up a Firewall rule that blocks all server traffic. From now on the Firewall must always be running before you open the legacy client. Personally I think it is close to useless. But it should work this way
  6. If you can’t decide, throw a coin.
  7. Uninstall, dump all data when asked. Then make a FORCED restart of the iPhone. If you don’t know how, check the iOS handbook. Reinstall, log in.
  8. Probably they don’t see Apple Notes as a close contender in terms of the user profile. It is always free (the only general paid option is iCloud storage) and it is Apple ecosystem only. EN is subscription based, brings its own cloud and is deliberately cross platform. It is always a question where you invest the dev hours you have. Into a specific import routine that will serve only those few who want to migrate - or into general features and stability. We all know where the main demand from users have been.
  9. It depends on the browser, and it's settings. The web client must be able to connect, and needs to run some code locally. If you restrict the browser too much, or run an outdated browser it is possible the web client won't work. However with all major browsers it will work.
  10. The logic they NEED to do something to import data from another app evades me. Why do they need to do this ? If they don’t, they risk a share of future business against the effort to build and maintain an importer. That‘s a decision every business takes every day. You must not like it and can ask for an improvement: feedback@evernote.com You can buy a Ford Modell T in any color, as long as it is black …
  11. Sounds a bit overdone to me. A piece of outdated software is not allowed to access a cloud interface, with years, months and weeks of lead that it will be discontinued. That’s all. Don’t like it, leave. Nothing happens to your notes on the server. There are multiple ways to access them. The rest is your view of the world. This has nothing to do with this forum. If your personal ghouls haunt you, get assistance.
  12. What is the count when you open the web client ? If it is again the Pixel that is off, uninstall the app, dump all data when asked. Restart the phone. Install the app again, log in, and keep it open while it downloads the notes and metadata.
  13. Use a digital decision maker (Throw, catch, follow fate): 🪙
  14. Every outdated code is a security risk - either it is not maintained any more, or it is only maintained passively, which means it does not upgrade as technology advances. This does not mean it is right now an actual security problem under active exploit. But it is usually just waiting for bad things to happen. Example: Remember the SYLK file format ? It was use for one of the many failed attempts of Microsoft to become a front runner for web platforms. The program related to it was abandoned many years ago. But the format was still supported by Windows and MS apps. Then bad actors found out it can execute Macros. And that the MS tools are not monitoring SYLK files - they were out of use, so why care ? And the app that made them was a trusted one, build by MS themselves. Bingo - SYLK was converted into a thread vector, used to bring macros holding malware past the system guardians, that didn't watch these files. It could have been avoided if MS would have dropped the outdated format when it made the SYLK app a legacy app, stopping maintenace. But it wasn't. Nobody knows which deficiencies are already part of the legacy API. Maybe a nice SQL injection fault ? The problem is: When they / we find out, it is too late. For me this is reason enough - no need to continue running code that is abandoned just because a few holdout users demand it. Every interface to the server that is shut down is one threat scenario less.
  15. From how I see it, you could use a Stack called Projects. In there is one notebook for each current project. The advantage of this is that you can share the notebook with other people, serving as a communication hub. All people receiving a share will have access. Everything else are tags, set and removed on notes as the project moves ahead. "In progress" is a typical tag, as are "Openings", "Quote X" etc. Even the project could be a tag - but you can't control sharing by tags, sharing can only be controlled by notes or notebooks. That is basically how I organize my projects as a Freelancer - not very different from your projects on an abstract level, I think.
  16. This has been discussed and pointed out in one of the longest threads in this forum. You find all answers there. But in short words: No, unless they change their data model and the client and backend software. The main tool of organizing notes in EN are tags, not notebooks. And tags can be nested many, many layers deep.
  17. Just for the record: Just had a reason to import some files, and used my Import Folder on my Mac mini (M1). Worked like a charm.
  18. Couldn't reproduce this on my Mac. To me it looks like an interaction with Windows - Microsoft tries to push it's apps into all parts of the PC. I am not sure this would be found with any reasonable testing prior to release. It is sort of special - that is more looking like support ticket event for me.
  19. @Eug.ene How much free space do you have on the drive where the EN database is located ? Do you have the "Short on Memory" warning enabled in app settings ? Do you run any security software in addition to the Windows Defender ?
  20. Obviously I am not "Anyone", because I don't have syncing issues. A better description would help to understand what you mean.
  21. Imported notes are basically new notes. They need to sync with the server as any other note. If the ENEX file is too large, what happens is that the import can't be finished, since the client stops uploading. After a reset of the upload limit, the ENEX import will again start at the beginning - leading to the same result. There is an option to split the ENEX file into several smaller ones. It makes sense to use it.
  22. I really don't understand the question. If certain characters are not working in passwords, avoid them. It is not unusual that the characters for passwords are only allowed from a specific character set. It reduces entropy a bit, but this can be compensated by making the password a little longer. Tell your users what choices they have, and that's it.
  23. First the shortcuts are on a top position of the side panel, within easy reach. Second they can be added to the Home Screen. That this didn’t exist in legacy doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be useful. Third the shortcuts #1-9 on the list can be opened by typing ctrl/cmd - number as keyboard shortcut. I really wonder why some users don’t explore the possibilities of an app before coming to the conclusion other people must be nuts. No, it’s not the other people …
  24. Sorry, you are in for a hard sell on this one. I installed v10 when it released for the first time in autumn 2020. On iOS it was usable from 10.6 upwards. On the Mac it was 10.12 that had most initial problems squeezed. From then on I used my remaining legacy install only rareley. There simply was not much need for it. That EN released the 7.xx clients for the Mac had nothing to do with believing v10 would not hack it. The reason was that Apple cut support for all 32bit apps in the 2019 release of MacOS. Being this outdated piece of code already back then, EN would have been killed on the Mac by this move. It was essential to release a 64Bit app to stay afloat. If you run an actual MacOS, you will have noticed that since 2022 Mac legacy started to develop serious deficiencies. The window size is limited to a narrow „slot“, and since some point in 2023 PDFs will not show any more. Even if it is still officially syncing, it is unusable on modern Macs. Those still using it run a „dream combo“ of an outdated Legacy app in an outdated MacOS. This is not the users a company will wait to pick up to the bandwagons. It would be a long wait …
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