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Posts posted by noteaddict48

  1. On 9/26/2018 at 2:49 PM, DTLow said:

    Apple slogan; 28AB3510-92F0-4A28-B9AE-2C57D1C70B1E.png.f2a5084e31562a41c51788a445b79fa7.png


    Seriously, imho Mac is an easier platform to work on; both for users and developers


    Slogans are all very well and I have certainly had great respect for Apple, especially when under the leadership of Steve Jobs.

    OT/ on

    I keep myself somewhat informed on what goes on and to my own regret I found plenty of comments by users and articles in the press on the growing number of Mac users with complaints concerning the latest Mac models. I got myself interested in the latest 2018 Macbook Pro 15" only to discover that the standard hardware specification was hardly overwhelming and on top of that the more powerful cpu apparently had an overheating problem resulting in stepping down. So, Apple like the rest of the hardware bunch hastily had to supply a patch. The butterfly keyboard was another case, best not mentioned. /off

    OK, programmers may indeed have a more complex job with Windows applications.

    Valid point? No! Why?

     Because there is software on the market, not just recently,  levels up on Evernote for which users have the free choice of  Mac or Win version or both.  Lookalike, identical functions, apart from the inherent OS differences. Nice and easy for the user. 

    Time for Evernote to catch up. 

    BTW   Win 10 at this stage of development is a very stable and user friendly OS with excellent hardware support.  

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  2. 16 hours ago, DTLow said:

    If everyone paid for their use of the product, there might be enough money to fund the development for such changes.

    In a way your thoughts seem perfectly logical. However I am puzzled to learn that the user experience for Mac users is a lot better. Why should that be? From my understanding Windows is still the predominant OS. As far as I can judge Evernote is excellent as far web clips are concerned but editing is just too awkward. I am also sure my monthly demands would never exceed 200 MB, if that. 

    Nevertheless just for the sheer convenience I would gladly pay for Premium but understandly I do not feel inclined to fund developments without a convincing timeline. After all Evernote is not new on the market. 

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